Search results for query: *

  1. Coward

    Advice/Help How do you Tell Someone you don't like their writing?

    I don't want to argue but this seriously could have been solved with a sample. Your problem here is an minor but annoying typographical error, and if they do it consistently (like for every sentence) it would be in the sample. If they don't do it consistently then I doubt you would be bothered...
  2. Coward

    Advice/Help How do you Tell Someone you don't like their writing?

    That's a good point. I think it's always fine to ask clarification for what's going on if you don't get it, but I don't think sending actual critique is a good idea. By that I mean a breakdown of their post where you point out the problems as you see them. Your earlier post was good in that...
  3. Coward

    Advice/Help How do you Tell Someone you don't like their writing?

    I don't think it's good policy to critique someone's writing unless requested, to be honest. This is a relaxing hobby, not an English exam. The same goes for other creative projects too; generally if someone wants your critical input they'll ask you. I think I would drop a partner who sent me...
  4. Coward

    Advice/Help How do I be more original/descriptive with settings?

    Quick tips to tack on to Idea's good post: 1. Scene building can easily do double duty as character building, which has the added benefit of removing the dryness of scene description. Compare these: Sentence 1 is a list of facts. It's tolerable in small doses, but should be reserved for...
  5. Coward

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    This isn't the worst one, but I think if you're going to require high-effort responses to your interest check (eg. including lots of information or a sample) you should have the courtesy and backbone to respond. Even if it's a no. This isn't job applications and you're not a boss. It's a hobby...
  6. Coward

    Advice/Help How to describe a variety of skin tone/colors?

    Personally I just go with unambiguous descriptions, which is something I got from Black authors like Octavia Butler and NK Jemisin . They'll just be like 'he had deep black skin' or similar. Because the white default is so overpowering, this seems to be helpful to get the description to actually...
  7. Coward

    Advice/Help On Writing Abuse

    The others have already contributed some useful tips on being thoughtful and considering motivation, so I'll just expand a little: I think you've chosen the hardest possible type of abuse to avoid romanticising. Why? Because to most people (including me) being an effective soldier has an...
  8. Coward

    Experiences MxM vs. FxF

    I think for group RP this is definitely true, but less so for 1 one 1. In 1x1 sci-fi it's been maybe 50/50 I think. I wish now that'd I'd actually kept a record lol and I could give you stats
  9. Coward

    Experiences MxM vs. FxF

    Yeah you might be right. I think most of my partners have been women too, but probably sci-fi in particular skews male compared to average RP.
  10. Coward

    Experiences MxM vs. FxF

    That's totally fair :p I hope it goes better for you this time, or hey, just stick to what you like. I wasn't trying to do some kind of callout, sorry, I just got really mad thinking about all my shitty MxF roleplays. Also it occurred to me that if you're doing a lot of historic RP, or fantasy...
  11. Coward

    Experiences MxM vs. FxF

    I meant racism or other bigotry coming from the player, not from characters. It's expected that in historic (and sometimes contemporary) settings some characters will be bigoted. What I can't stand is players sliding in bigotry in their writing in a way you can tell it's their own personal...
  12. Coward

    Experiences MxM vs. FxF

    Glad we got past the idea that women writing MxM are just a bunch of degenerates who see gay men as personal sex toys. I don't think this has ever been true as the whole story, and having it as an easy answer feels kind of misogynist in itself in a weird way. I can tell you how I went from...
  13. Coward

    Multiple Settings Coward's Search Thread | Lit/detailed | any/any

    ...'uke'. This happens way too often. Please just don't. Pairings These can be platonic or romantic. An antagonistic start is always fun, too. * = extra desire Bodyguard + Prince/King/Warlord etc. Mage + Demon/Monster Servant * Sailor/spacer + mysterious passenger who has hired the ship...