Egg sat at the top of the tree slowly dozing off waiting for something to happen while looking up at the sunset.
((Im asuming its close to night time?))
Egg turned back into his human form tired from traveling as the giant snake which was his dragon form and he started to climb up a tree looking for a place to hid for a while and rest.
Egg fell off a rock he was sleeping on and landed on his face with a thud, Egg laid there in silence and contemplated his life choices. He jumped up and started looking around Egg started to change into his dragon form crushing nearby trees around him moving them out of the way as he turned into...
Abraham ate half of the corpse the guard now dead missing most of his torso and heart, Abraham stood up on his hind legs and charged towards the guards as they were retreating back to safety. The guards closed the gate and door as Abraham walked closer carrying the half body with him, Abraham...
Abraham was no longer there in his body he was gone in his place was the beast he becomes at night, Abraham grew in size and the fur got thicker and darker than the space in the sky. Abraham fell out of the tree as arrows flew towards him, the hound dogs the guards carried were whining and...
Abraham got high into the tree to the point that the tree was moving in the wind and under hit weight, he could see for a distance up here and at nightfall if guards were still after him he could kill them easily and not be that wounded in the process. Abraham looked out at the harpy girl and...
Abraham's ear twitched as he hears the yelling in the distance of the soldiers coming to look for him, it didn't matter he would kill them all if night time came and they were looking for him. Abraham looked back and the harpy was still following him, maybe if he told her he was a ticking...
Abraham grunted as he was leaning against a tree when the harpy thanked him she asked if she could help Abraham with the arrow wound in his shoulder, Abraham grunted reached to the tip of the arrow and broke it off leaving the arrow shaft in his shoulder still and he pulled the tail end of the...
After the harpy girl cut herself free she handed Abraham back his dagger and was ready to fight the four guards Abraham grabbed his knife his knuckles turned white as he plunged the knife blade into one of the guard's neck. After Abraham was holding the dead guard covered in dripping blood he...
Abraham crouched down while the deer carcase was cooking after the deer was done cooking Abraham should have enough provisions to make his way to one of the near cities to buy some more pots and buckets for water collecting. Abraham didn't have a water problem with all the snow around him but he...
Abraham woke up in the freezing cold covered in blood, at first Abraham was worried he had killed another person but after looking at the scene around him it was just a couple deer that got on the wrong end of Abraham's night. Abraham sighed and laid back down letting the blood quickly dry up...