i'm so sorry for this late reply, oh gosh,,, yesterday was a bit busy for me, but i should be online daily and replying from now on.
i suppose that quotev is attempting to steer the community to be more fan-fiction/quiz based nowadays, which is very unfortunate. ; a ; but some quizzes and...
hello ! thank you so much for replying here. uvu
the quotev administrators haven't even notified quotev users as to why they removed the option to browse for role-play groups - that's probably why you believe that there are only quizzes there. everyone is very disappointed, to say the least ...
i'm not exactly sure what type of content is expected in threads such as these,,, but i hope everyone is doing well !
i hail from the fan-fiction/role-playing mush known as quotev, although since they have removed the groups (generally meant for role-playing over regular discussions), its...