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  • I had to explain Vtubers to my grandparents, now they talk to me about the latest streams they watch from Dokibird, Shylily, and others, I love how much they love that part of the internet.
    C h i c k e n f i n g e r s

    W i t h t h e s l o m m y
    Just a random rant, but while I was waiting for my bus to go to school, some girls walkedup to me and was like. "The salami leg dont fit, stop trying to make it fit." I have no clue who these girls were lol
    Update, last few moments on my Chromebook. On the off chance I don‘t come back during summer, I love you all! Stay happy! See you guys when it’s colder!
    "A person who thinks all the time
    Has nothing to think about except thoughts
    So, he loses touch with reality
    And lives in a world of illusions

    By thoughts, I mean specifically, chatter in the skull
    Perpetual and compulsive repetition of words
    Of reckoning and calculating
    I'm not saying that thinking is bad
    Like everything else, it's useful in moderation
    A good servant, but a bad master" — Alan Watts
    Pokémon fans; what is your favorite Pokémon? I wanna know more abt you all :3
    I haven’t seen the designs of many Pokémon, since I dont really play the games, but for me, it’s either Cosmog

    Or Magearna

    Mawile or Typhlosion for sure
    Finally gave in and played Roblox. Games like Regretevator, Fundamental Paper Education Survival, and some of the other popular games on there. I understand the appeal, but I swear these kids are going to be society‘s downfa… the brain rot has made them unbearable. Only a rare few are decent.
    But the fact that FPE started as just a simple animation of a music video with their OCs and then got their own fandom. Wild. And how popular Regretevator is also insane.
    Update: I will be turning in my Chromebook early morning of June 12th. Probably will have to factory reset it a day or two before tho. Just wanted to keep you guys updated, Like I said in the big announcement, I will still be somewhat on, but much less. I also still will not be able to write for any rps, but can chat, plot, goof, etc.
    Your answer on Alex’s question I laughed too hard thanks
    Thanks, figured that with the horrors that 40 did, 6 would be desensitized to violence, but not to the future. Not to existential dread

    Hey everyone!

    I primarily use my school's Chromebook for roleplaying, but I'll have to turn it in soon (in about less than a month, my last day of school is June 14th). This means I won't be able to RP as much, or possibly at all, during most of the summer. However, I can still chat, plot, and handle out-of-character stuff on my phone, but probably not as often as normal. I find it challenging to type lengthy RP posts on a small screen, so I won't be able to do that.

    I'm really sorry about this, and I hope you all understand! I’m pretty sure that I will be able to get back to normal once summer ends and I get my Chromebook back (If I remember my login stuff, that is… =w=)

    Luxor Luxor Specialist Specialist SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 flaccidbonestm flaccidbonestm This is mainly to all of you, after a few weeks or whatever, please do not hesitate to put a message on my profile to remind me when I can rp again! But this is also to everyone who talks to me, and everyone who wishes to RP with me in the future!
    Got that! Have a good summer!
    Bo problem! DM me when you'll want to RP again someday. :)
    Understood 👍 Enjoy your Summer! 💖
    Is it weird to like characters from fandoms that you never heard of, and become obsessed with them even tho you don’t know crap abt the fandom/media?

    … asking for a friend, definitely.
    "HR wants a word with me, but I'm the one craving human resources! My program's gonna enhance thriving workforce, AND SAVE YOUR SORRY A—"
    Finally gave into TADC, I see why it blew up. Both episodes seem pretty good.
    Yeah I feel so bad for gummigoo though lol… I even started to ship pomni x gummigo!
    Ugh I've been needing to get into this for ages lol
    I just feel like there's no point if there's only two episodes, right?
    CatsAreCuteVeryCute17 CatsAreCuteVeryCute17 I feel bad too, but I personally don't ship anyone in anythingunless it's canon.

    Daisie Daisie True, since the episodes are only 25 minutes long.
    How have I not heard of OR3O or her music before?! Just took a listen to ”Help Me” and now I binge-listened all the songs in Clover. I am in love.
    Others I like are Great at Crime and All Eyes on Me
    Will definitely give those a listen! Thanks for the suggestions!
    She was also in a Collab for a song about the “Not my Neighbor Game” - even though I fine the male vocals grating it was good

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