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  • Me: I beg you, Can I just like a fandom/character a normal amount?!

    Brain: You’re going to be completely obsessed about one character/fandom for anywhere from a week to 2 months, you are then going to be completely uninterested in it for a week, then, and ONLY THEN, will you like them normally. After 2 more months you’ll be obsessed again-
    I'm bored...

    *looks at the 12 video games i gave yet to play, pile of unread manga, new TV shows*

    *looks back at the ceiling*

    There's nothing to do...
    I have fallen into the rabbit hole that are Vtubers. I fell asleep watching a VOD (at 1 am, in my defense) help me.
    I agree.
    guess who just had a panic attack after thinking my cat died (but was just sleeping while being very, very still) *Points thumbs at myself* This guy!

    moving on, have you guys seen an ALBINO RACCOON?


    "Ah-rah, dee
    Goo-guh fli-goo gee-goo
    Guh fli-goo, ga-goo-buh-dee
    Ooh, guh-goo-bee
    Fli-goo gee-goo
    A-fliguh woo-wa mama Lucifer!" – Jack Black
    The Greek spelling (I think?) of the Egyptian god of intelligence (Thoth) is Θώθ. So it would make sense to ask “Θώθ, what’s this?” Just a fun fact I like to share.
    Is sugar a seasoning?
    Apparently so. According to Wikipedia, seasoning is the process of supplementing food via herbs, spices, salts, and/or sugar, intended to enhance a particular flavour.
    Huh… interesting.
    Was on the internet when I took a tetrachromat test (I'm a male, and I lnow it's impossible for me to be tetrachromat because of that) and I got tetrachromat... I guess I'm a girl now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    I don't know exactly where, but I heard that I need 2 X chromosomes in order to be tetrachromat. I might be wrong, eyes and colors are weird
    They are very weird, lol. Here's a blurb from an article I found online.
    "Whilst data on prevalence is still somewhat uncertain, between 15-47% of women and around 8% of men, are potential tetrachromats. That is, they have four cones and a greater ability to perceive differences in colours — some tetrachromats may be able to distinguish two million shades of colours."
    With the source.
    I have no idea how accurate it is but it came up when I googled "tetrachromat male" lol
    Ah, well in that case, I'm still male, lol. Thanks!
    My sister said "[Name], you're not on the spectrum, you are the entire spectrum." And I genuinely don't know how to react, so I simply accepted it and said "I am above the spectrum, the attempt to make sense of the inner mechanics of my mind is pathetic and laughable"

    Did I react correctly?
    Do any of Y’all just lay on their bed/floor and just… Exist? I found myself just laying down in my room doing nothing but exist. Is this a “oh yeah everybody does that” thing?
    Often. I love laying on my floor, there is something grounding about it.
    Finished moving yesterday, still stressed, but hey, I ate an oreo and cuddled my cats today!
    Oreos and cats (I'm assuming that was a typo?) make any day better. ^33^
    (Oops, cats was right! Just fixed it) very much so!
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