Sarah Kanade

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  • If you have any questions I'm sure I can help, if I'm not on go ahead and look at the chat, everyone there might help ya!
    Sarah Kanade
    Sarah Kanade
    Thank you, but the problem I seem to be having is that when I look at RPs, there is several tabs, sch as "Character sign-up" what I was wondering is when you go to post a thread, it doesn't have those? if it a later thing or?
    Ginko The Mushishi
    Ginko The Mushishi
    When you post a roleplay? Those tabs are given automatically when your roleplay is posted. But for recruitment they don't have those tabs.
    Sarah Kanade
    Sarah Kanade
    Oooohhh... I was clicking the wrong thing sorry ^-^ Thank you for all or help though, without your help my airhead self may of never saw my mistake.
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