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  • hey, what happened in Zombie Apocalypse while I was gone? Final exams kept me busy and then my girlfriend got hospitalized. Everything's fine now though so I can post again. I was planning on having CJ meet Cam and Madi again after going separate ways.
    Have Cam go into the same building by noticing his motorcycle and they can find a group of walkers inside and make a break together
    doesnt seem like a bad idea right? :)
    I'll post once Harley does :3
    Hey! I'm the sibling of Gabriel Ryker. You started an RP group with him, Pharmas. If you want to find some people and start it back up, I'd be willing to do it. I really liked the idea and theme, and it's a shame that it didn't last longer than it did. If you want to try, just reply.
    Sure, that is no problem. I said that Ruben is visiting from Command School, so perhaps the platoon is doing a little hands on teaching.
    Okie Dokie. I will post and you can do as you please haha. What about your own RP? I have not see Swyft Around.
    Ok! So now that I am back from Australia, I will start the RP and it will be just a 1x1 between us. As soon as you let me know, I will make a post and start this RP back up.
    Yeah. I have just been absolutely swamped with homework. Add to that the fact that I have to perform a violin recital every day for the rest of this school week because I won the state competition, and I am staying up until 3-4 AM every morning just to get school work done. So, progress is slow on things other than my main RP, the one that I made. But, rest assured, I will be much, much more attentive to my other RPs during the break. I haven't forgotten. BTW, nice work on my RP. I really like your charries. XD
    Yep. Actually, hold on. Let me make the charries right now. I've been in somewhat of a slump, and I was busy with my own RP. But, I should have some time now.
    Nice, I love Zeus's picture. Anyway, I can't make the character sheets today because I need to study for a vocabulary test (hate those), but I can do it directly after school tomorrow, as I'm usually on for an hour to three hours after school. I'll message you more then. Again, great job on the thread.
    Hey! Reply to The Wizarding World so that we can get that going. I'll message Ember Bare as well. So, read and post, my friend.
    Do you want to develop the "relationship", or lack thereof, between Darion and Cole/Cara as we wait for the others to join in? Honestly, none of my RPs are going anywhere at the moment. Or, we could begin the 1x1, your choice.
    Should we wait for Swyft? He usually gets on around 7-8 PM, and I left him messages so that he'd respond to Pharmas. We don't want to leave him behind, ya know. Plus, Kaede, Cara, and Cyrus have totally ignored the existence of... Darion, was it?... yeah, Swyft's character that was with Kaede.
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