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  • Alright, well, it's almost 6. I figure since I just posted as Cyrus, it would be weird to have him speak again - plus, he'd have nothing to say xD So, how about you have Kaede and Cara react?
    How long should we give Swyft? Should we just wait till whenever, or are you gonna impose a limit, like Knights of Eithia.
    This would be a good opportunity for you to introduce some of your characters to Cyrus, and they can then introduce Cyrus and Cara to Swyft's character... or maybe they can call for backup. ;)
    I know you're waiting for Swyft. However, Cyrus hasn't actually had any interaction with his characters, so it might be necessary for Cara to respond and then for the others to find her with him.
    Also, I hope you don't mind, but I made Cyrus 5,500 years old instead of just 500 because I researched war, and the greatest battles took place in the times of Ancient Egypt and Rome, so I made him from that time period. Plus, that gives him a lot of time to be desensitized from a relatively new war.
    Hey! I posted on Pharmas. Sorry about the lateness after your message. I was at a state violin competition. I won 1st place! So excited! But, anyway, I introduced Cyrus, so it's time for the interesting part: Cara's reaction :)
    Sure thing, I'll get right on that today, sorry I never did when I thought I could before, personal things came up and I couldnt make it to my computer.
    I have posts something I need for you guys to read in the plot thread. I have also posted a few NPCs and description of all the nations. If you feel comfortable enough to start without a map, which I will get up later, please comment on the OOC thread that you are ready and have read my Plot warning and I will start the RP up when everyone comments.
    I would love if you joined my RP. If you are still interested, please let me know and I will add you to a group I will make for it. :)
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