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  • I need some help!! I want to get a matching tattoo with my boyfriend, but I also want one that can stand alone (if) we break up...any suggestions>
    you're oh so welcome!!
    I got an idea! Don't get a tatoo cause they're permanent and you might regret it...I recommend some kinda...I don't know jewelry or somethin...feel free to ignore this
    Get a tattoo in half without a name. When you break up if it happens, the new person can get the other half.

    Possibly a tattoo of what you BOTH like. Then the next in line could get one like it if it's something they like too, or it can stand alone cause you like whatever it is.
    No clue how many people have checked out my blog, but I need some feedback on it (like comments on my posts, shit like that)) so, check it out: 

    how many people here would be willing to read my story? I am looking for some feedback about whether I need to change some things (or not) and yeah...i'm only 5 chapters in, but I don't want to get too far into it before someone tells me that certain things need to changed...anybody up for that? Pm if you are. Or just comment, and then Pm me. Yeah, comment on here first.
    like an editor? either way ill read it!
    thanks!! Pm me, Talon

    It will be easier if you pm me, then email me, and I can send you the story there. Warning, though: it is realistic fiction. Nothing fantasy or that. (Though, I usually write stuff like that))
    so, I hate my drawings. They always turn out horrible
    I feel the same way. But the only way you'll get better is to keep drawing! Eventually, you'll pick up little things bit by bit, and soon you'll see improvement. 
    Everyone says that we are our worst critics, and that is so true, because everyone else tells me that my drawings are amazing...but I totally disagree.

    pm me, Phadia?
    Why do some people believe it is okay to make fun of other people and bully them? To the people who DO bully: it is not cool, and it is not okay. You're merely immature and imprudent. People who are BEING bullied: there are others who care about you and will stand up for you. Hang in there, guys.
    Most every guy picks at my self esteem in school. Someone finally is standing for me but how long will it last? Doesn't help matters that it's a girl but then it does. Majority of girls i know all like me. And one who i literally never had talked to (She came off as loud and a bitch to everyone) Is now helping me out. 

    Why all of a sudden i don't know. But it sucks it's gotten to the point where i wonder how long she'll stand up for me. Reguardless, It's still nice having SOMEONE better then NO ONE.

    Thought this may help some people. Course, every story is woven differently with some weaves being the same but still different too in their own teeny tiny ways. -The Broken Mind/GoldenCharizard4

    I'm always floatin around, able to just converse if anyone so chooses.
    why do people think it is okay to tell someone who is already suicidal to go and kill their self? I mean, that is totally rude and cruel. I have had multiple friends who have killed themselves, one of them being my best friend that I had known since I was three. 

    It is not okay to criticize someone because of their mental state either.
    Sadly, people, especially younger ones, think their actions have no consequences... Or just don't care about them
    Sadly even grown adults think this is okay. Just goes to show how many assholes exist.
    I think its just the human race in general, we are pretty cruel and don't really care about anyone other than ourselves  most of the time.
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