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  • Hey! I started the Harry Potter RP. If you're still interested, post your characters in the group. I don't want to have to leave you behind! ):
    Hey everyone!!!

    I'm back!!! After almost a year I'm back!!!! Don't know how ill get back up there but ill try! Hope your all happy to have me back(fingers crossed)...
    OMG!!! I just got elected to be a co writer for a role play!!!!! I'm so happy!! Wish me luck ;)

    I started a new rp! Its called "Stranded" its probably my best so far. Check it out sometime!
    Hey every one!! Check out XxKatherinexX's new rp! Its called:
    You hold back the tears as he tells you "its over."
    Its a really good rp! Ive already signed up! Its about teens who are troubled and sent to a resort with other teens! Its great!
    XD Admire my work greatly? You mean my rping? :8D: Lol! And I would never turn down a Young Justic fan! Your character is approved, by the way. I've made a young justice OOC section to answer any questions and post information and updates, as well as a collaboration between members about ideas and stuff--it's in the Other/Uncategorized Story Information. I anwsered the question about how to incorporate new characters so I won't really go into detail here. I will send you a pm (private message) summarizing everything that has gone down so you don't have to read 40+ pages--trust me I had to read 15 pages before to catch up in an rp--took me over an hour and a half... So, lol, I don't expect anyone to read 400 posts! I just glad my rp is so successful! :o hope you have fun as well!!
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