Today's been pretty bittersweet. First, I discovered I can fully customize my class ring and get it for free, being chosen for that special offer. Pretty fricken great.
Then I got a letter from my choir teacher about a summer camp thing (that might be too expensive for me to go to, at $395 some-odd dollars).
Lastly, Mom checks the mail as she comes home. Mixed in with it is this black letter, with fancy silver handwriting, from HARVARD. I haven't applied to any colleges and they do not make random offers that fancy.. I apparently got selected to represent my school for this selective national program honoring students planning on going into the STEM field. It's in Boston, and a bunch of really smart guys--including Buzz Aldrin!!--will be speaking there. It'll even improve my chance of acceptance in colleges! But only if I can actually go there and get the certificate at the end.
The cost? Somewhere around $1500. For three nights.
This is the fifth time I've been unable to do these things simply because of cost, and I honestly wish sometimes these people would take some trouble to help low-income families with brilliant kids. I honestly hope I'm rich when I'm older just so my child doesn't have to miss out on these things.
Just gotta keep on keepin' on, though. I can still be great!
People on Tumblr talking about the Russian 'leak' of The Final Problem have me REAAAAAALLY nervous for the episode airing tonight.. Hopefully it doesn't turn out as bad as I've heard.
Meanwhile, I'm trapped somewhere between terror and excitement.
Violins sound so much better in their mid/lower range than in their top range.. I finally figured out completely my issue with some of Beethoven's music.
Two things happened today. One, I predicted: making Conference Band (I got 3rd chair). One, not so much.. wiping out like a boss on the concrete on the way to the bus.