Tonstad39 May 24, 2017 What faith would you most rather rule an empire with: Christianity, Islam or Buddhism?
Tonstad39 May 23, 2017 That sad moment your fought between your writing and your YouTube video making
Tonstad39 May 23, 2017 What if the universe is just one giant Fidget spinner spinning for all eternity and superclusters are sustained by its rotations.
What if the universe is just one giant Fidget spinner spinning for all eternity and superclusters are sustained by its rotations.
Tonstad39 May 23, 2017 Do you want to meet the gods in the heavens? The toll for Rainbow hwy will be $30 *holds out hand*
Tonstad39 May 23, 2017 Would you rather: mourn your cats by shaving your eyebrows or use fat people wrestling to divine information from 20 million gods.
Would you rather: mourn your cats by shaving your eyebrows or use fat people wrestling to divine information from 20 million gods.
Tonstad39 May 22, 2017 simple question: What do you know about Wise guys? *points an uzie at your head*
Tonstad39 May 21, 2017 Would you rather: witness kids working at a textile mill or witness kids being given psychotropic medication?
Would you rather: witness kids working at a textile mill or witness kids being given psychotropic medication?
Tonstad39 May 20, 2017 So, would you rather: be born with U.K. citiczenship or Canadian citiczenship.
Tonstad39 May 19, 2017 Here's a question: what do you know about Comic books that the CEO of Marvel doesn't know?