The Mechanist

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  • I just realized I really dislike detailed character sheet, I hate writing them, I hate reading them, I prefer something simple, leaves space for one to develop their character into the roleplay accordingly 
    Why is one of the introductions a probiotic post? As a scientist I'm glad to see some....thing? Is advertising them cuz probiotics are good for you, helps to culture the good bacteria in your digestive system, but this site is the wrong place for such a thing, plus I'm not entirely sure if it's against the rules, I remember reading somewhere about advertising and usage of other links or something like that.
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    Wait I found it, I didn't know it was the little flag
    Oh, OK, good.  Glad it's there :)   Otherwise I'd have to call in Dark Wizard to do dark-wizardy things to fix it!
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    Haha sorry boss man, i didn't know the flag was for reporting, I thought it was for something else
    So I'll admit I've been feeling a bit depressed lately, I've been talking to some friends, always help me feel better. So one of em proceeds to ask me if she could ask me a question, also asking me not to get offended. I tell her to ask it, so the question was do I drink? I simply laughed and told her it's a fair question to ask considering my current disposition, I tell her no I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't believe in substance abuse. She asked cuz she was worried I might've resorted to an outing to dealing with my sadness, I tell her I may be sad but I am not weak. Why am I telling you this friends? Because if I can resist the temptation to resort to an outing to deal with my sadness then so could you. It can be done friends, you're not weak, you can be strong and say No to such detrimental temptations. It actually meant a lot to me that this friend asked me such a question, to know that someone worries about the possible consequences and scenarios that could take place. I greatly appreciate you, so thank you, you know who you are friend. So with that stay strong my friends, and don't give up, we can all get through this together. ^-^
    Hi! It's great that you have that secure support system and I'm glad you're doing well, but I just wanted to note that substance use and misuse doesn't equate to weakness. Whatever reason people have for drinking or using drugs it's better to respect and understand them than to dismiss them. I don't think we've ever spoken before so I hope this doesn't come across as a personal attack or anything! 
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    I would never consider it an attack friend! ^-^ everyone is entitled to their opinions and I shan't argue them either, i have my beliefs and others have theres, does it mean I'm right? Of course not! ^-^ I just believe those who have to resort to such measures to deal with their sadness need to try harder, because honestly, they don't need that stuff in their life.
    zachie mel
    zachie mel
    *places my mechanic claws on masters desk* can you fix these for me. they wont unclench.
    I can fix it!


    zachie mel
    zachie mel
    i wanted master to fix it
    I am a master, so it evens out. Right?
    I still feel like I'm at the feet can't get rid of that wet sand feeling, and my hands still feel like they're holding that net.
    Rping with those on the other side of the planet can be hard sometimes, our schedules are so different. But I greatly appreciate and thank you guys for making the time to still rp with a yankee(XD) like me, I only hope that I'm repaying the same kindness to you guys.

    My partners know who I'm talking about ^-^
    I sometimes wonder if some of the accounts in this site are actually fake, like just some sort of temporary proxy account or something. 
    That's certainly a possibility.
    King Ad Rock
    King Ad Rock
    Like people pretending to be two people? You can tell a shit ton of people do that on this site.
    Many people have alt accounts, for various reasons.  We don't mind unless one of those reasons is ban evasion. ;)
    Do not believe yourself in total darkness, for there is a light that cast the shadow that you stand in.-Nathaniel Garza

    Everything has a beginning and an end, even your pain and sadness.-NG

    All walls are meant to hold something in and keep something out, but given time and too much pressure they will give and break, and when something is broken it takes longer to heal.-NG
    I forgot what I wanted to say
    THE MECHANIST does not need an obligation to say stuff.

    And neither do I!

     “according to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly,”

    That little kiss you stole 

    it held my heart and soul,

    like a deer in head lights 

    I meet my fate

    dont try to fight storm

    youll tumble over board

    tides will bring me back to you 
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