I'm surprised by this but one of the easiest ways for me to get annoyed is when someone blatantly misunderstands or misinterprets the lore in darksouls and claim their version as the truth. If they had really thought about the lore, did their research, which can be done by playing and understanding what you've done in the game, the gear associated with certain topics, what the NPCs have to say and their personal quests, and the actual area and it's geography then they would be able to really understand the lore.
I gots a story for y'all!! Hope you enjoy Mexican folk lore!
Mexican folk lore is taken pretty seriously down here and we treat it as if it exists, and based on what I heard I think it is real. My father once told me during one of his night patrols (he used to work for the sheriffs department) as he was driving on the outskirt roads he had heard tales of these harpy like creatures that flew next the police units as they drove. Body of a vulture but the face of an old woman. Where did he hear about this? From the older higher ranking deputies, now I know what you're thinking. "Oh they're probably just hazing him or something." Before you make that assumption, our cultural heritage says to always be respectful, the law enforcement down here is full of Hispanics and Mexicans alike. The older generation of Mexicans are some of the most respectful people I have ever met, trust me when I say they wouldn't joke around like that, they tell you something like that it's because they themselves saw it and tell the tale as a warning, not as a story.
Well when my father was driving he saw one. He was just doing his patrol route along one of the roads, back before there was even pavement, hell before it was gravel it was just a dirt road, so he was going like 15 mph cuz the road was also uneven. He was driving along as per his orders when he heard loud flapping and turned to look at the passenger seat window and sure enough, in the darkness he could make out a large bird with the body of a vulture but the face of an angry old lady. She was looking at my father and he had to do double take, but when he looked again she was gone and the flapping began to fade.
For some odd reason I have the strongest urge to wanna cry, I don't know why though cuz I feel fine. Im actually content and the weather is nice today too plus I got some tacos with me
I sometimes forget I refer to certain things in Spanish thinking it's like that everywhere else in the states and then I remember I'm speaking Spanish and down here we just refer to things like that and nowhere else does it ;^; texmex at its finest