The Mechanist Sep 21, 2017 I talk biology on my phone too much, tried to put the word smile and instead it autocorrected into amino.
I talk biology on my phone too much, tried to put the word smile and instead it autocorrected into amino.
The Mechanist Sep 20, 2017 My profile needs more mechanist, but I don't know how to make it anymore Mechanisty
Birdsie Sep 17, 2017 I demand you change your introduction text. It's getting stale as old bread. In the name of memes, I will conquer your profile if our demands are not satisfied.
I demand you change your introduction text. It's getting stale as old bread. In the name of memes, I will conquer your profile if our demands are not satisfied.
billthesomething Sep 17, 2017 Did you hear about the spotted leopard shark that gave a virgin birth, she laid 41 eggs and only four of them hatched which were all healthy females
Did you hear about the spotted leopard shark that gave a virgin birth, she laid 41 eggs and only four of them hatched which were all healthy females
The Mechanist Sep 16, 2017 Context is everything! If you sound like an asshole then someone is gonna think you're an asshole
The Mechanist Sep 14, 2017 Alright final status before I sign off, talk to you guys soon ^^" won't be long I promise
The Mechanist Sep 13, 2017 That moment when I remember not everyone knows what a tlecuache is XD it's such a common word here where I live
That moment when I remember not everyone knows what a tlecuache is XD it's such a common word here where I live
The Mechanist Sep 13, 2017 Love playing as he gladiator from for honor, such a fun character, didn't think I would replace my centurion character so soon
Love playing as he gladiator from for honor, such a fun character, didn't think I would replace my centurion character so soon