The Dark Wizard

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  • Great work by the way Wiz. I don't know if enough people tell you that but-- I'm proud of ya ;o;!
    Who is @Russ ?
    And why do you follow them?
    And why do they have zero anything even though they joined in 2015 and were here as recent as March 20th?
    I would post this on their profile, but it is so... clean. I can't bear to taint it with a post.
    Yaoke Saint
    Yaoke Saint
    Ohhhhhhhhh. Thx.
    You gotta Russpect that.
    Yaoke Saint
    Yaoke Saint
    Well, his title is "Lurker", so that could just be all they do. But what confuses me the most is that the SITE OWNER follows them. Now I'm going to go cry in a corner, because I will never be as cool as Russ. T_T
    Alright. I want to delete my account. RPing is getting in the way of my priorities and I believe this is the best course of action. I did have fun though. Thank you.
    Salt Lord
    Salt Lord
    I... don't think it's that simple. ._.
    I'm sorry that you want to leave. The admins unfortunately can not remove accounts, but you may change your email and password so that you are unable to login again. Thanks for having a good time here! You're always welcome to return. :) @Eliilianne
    Hey! I'd love to donate to the site but my PayPal is extremely broken (due to buying from too many unverified online merchants blah blah blah..). Have you ever considered setting up a different payment method?

    Something like Google Wallet, Amazon Payments, the list goes on.
    The Dark Wizard
    The Dark Wizard
    Yeah we do support Google Wallets if you are interested in donating :)! You just have to send me a PM for that.
    Ok... It's killing me.... Why the blushing shark mascot thing....?
    Ahh.... What's this "chan"...?
    Japanese honorifics, its pretty common in anime. 'Chan' refers to a friend that is female, while 'San' is for men. I might be wrong there though.
    Close, but 'chan' can be used to refer to boys as well, just mostly children younger than you, along with 'kun'. But indeed, 'chan' has a feminine lilt to it and 'kun' masculine. 'San' is completely gender neutral and the equivalent to 'Ms/Mr/Mrs'. I study Japanese and am at an intermediate level, so feel free to ask me.
    Hey, it's not letting me post of the internal ad forum, but I've had photoshop for awhile and I'd love to put it to good use :)
    Try turning off adblock, if you have it. That fixed my problem.
    I decided to just tell Mordecai directly over discord, but I'll try this next time I have this issue! It was probably just everyone frantically commenting at once!
    The Dark Wizard
    The Dark Wizard
    It's an Adblock issue it doesn't like the fact that the word ad is in the url
    Dark i just remembered my questio that i was gonna ask you. Who was playing cookie clicker when making the cute cookie icon?
    After a couple of years RPing on a wikia page, this is still quite a big change from the good ol' days, especially all the coding :P
    The Dark Wizard
    The Dark Wizard
    Well I hope its a good change!
    Quite! All we did back then was derp around on the specific RP page my friend created on the wikia XD

    Nothing as fancy as this, but it was bearable!
    I got a question. Do you and the staff even have time or possibility to roleplay here? I mean that's what the site is for, no?
    The Fluffiest Floof
    The Fluffiest Floof
    Well, if you find something/create something without dices, I am always happy to get tagged. :)

    I like actually every kind of rp as long as the idea is creative. I highly prefer fantsy over all else.

    If i make up any rps i think you might like, should i tag you as well?
    The Dark Wizard
    The Dark Wizard
    If you'd like :).

    Can't promise I have the time to participate though.
    The Fluffiest Floof
    The Fluffiest Floof
    I have full understandance (is that a word? Do you get what i mean at least?) For that.
    May I ask what has become of the helper applications? I submitted one when the option first became available but it still shows unresolved.
    The Dark Wizard
    The Dark Wizard
    We reply to them as needed :)!
    AH ok. Just needed things clearing up. I was a bit confused, that's all.
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