Tardy Grade

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  • Okay so I think I've got a handle on the site changes at least. Now I've just got to restock and followers and what not.
    Hey, sorry I haven't posted in your RP yet. Been rather busy with work but will try and post soon.
    Once again apologies but I don't think I'm going to be posting in your RP anytime soon. I'm struggling to post on the ones are in at the moment and with the holidays fast approaching I think my posting in general will probably be minimal at best. Hopefully once the holidays are over with I can start posting in earnest, that's if you're happy to still have me?
    Tardy Grade
    Tardy Grade
    No worries. It might be a bit harder to for you to catch up on but I'll try to keep a summary in case people feel like joining in at a later date. Enjoy your Holidays. 
    My friend from back in Virginia told me that he felt he had no free time anymore. A little backstory here,he's got a house a little away's from the city in the forest area.So I give him my best joke-advice yet.Me :"You live in the woods dude. Why don't you find some time? Kill it.Then mount it on your wall."
    Oh TFS. How you manage to bring a smile on my face after the huge gaps between episodes I'll never know!
    Just this year Scientists had successfully used nano-structured glass to create a process for recording and retrieving data. The storage device being a small glass disk about the size of an American quarter that can hold 360TB of data and remain intact up to 1,000°C(So unless your device breaks it should be fine). 

    Meanwhile my Iphone's memory is full for the 7th time this month. Once they manage to implement it as mainstream and get the readers for it shrunk to reasonable sizes then I really do envy the kids of tomorrow who'll never have to worry about lack of storage space again. X'D
    Too cool not to share as far as I'm concerned. 
    This is cool. If you haven't already you  should watch the voice over for this. In my opinion it's hilarious. 
    Tardy Grade
    Tardy Grade
    Thanks buddy. Love it. 
    hey, can you by any chance remake your character as a level one character? sorry, it's just that we'll be starting new and i'd like a simple underpowered level one character to toy with make the battle more fair

    after all, spoiler alert. you'll be fighting 12 AC  goblins in your first fight. just saying
    hey, can you by any chance remake your character as a level one character? sorry, it's just that we'll be starting new and i'd like a simple underpowered level one character to toy with make the battle more fair

    after all, spoiler alert. you'll be fighting 12 AC  goblins in your first fight. just saying
    Ooima Yoshitoki's new manga is setting out to be every bit as heart rending as the previous one. Shit. 
    My pokemon of the day from the new line-up ...



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