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  • Does anyone know the name of the sound used in autotune, that makes the voice go ultra low and warps? I'll post a video that has the sounds.
    My only problem with Gundam Unicorn are all the recaps, in EVERY, SINGLE, EPISODE. Like I get it, I know what's happening! Thank yer!
    Wildcats sing along, they really got it goin' on; that's they do it, let's get to it, time to show the world! = My childhood...  ^3^ :AngryPuffedFace: ^D^
    I don't know if I'm ready for tomorrow's night new episode of Gundam Unicorn... Last weekend's episode is still on my mind. That ending though! And Banagher... *Growls*. Anyway on a more melancholic note: My right eye has been blood-shot and hurting all day. Please send me positivity that it will heal up. I don't know why, but it sucks... Thank you guys in advance! :)  
    That awkward moment when you see a former friend, getting a lot of followers on a website and you want to punish them... In the Name of the Moon! Call it, Moon Revenge... (Even though I can't really do anything about it, at the moment.).  
    Don't worry, it's probably a number thing. How many of those followers actually talk to them or they talk to them? You want people you can talk to, that if the need arises, will be there for you when you need an ear not anyone that doesn't say a word.
    That's true. I feel like most of my followers are really my friends, like they have a genuine care for me and I appreciate that. So I guess when I think of it that way, I'm probably quite blessed in actuality... *Sheepish blushing* 
      Earlier today, I noticed a great post by @StoneWolf18 about fanfics and while I don't want to bring up anything that annoys the great Fancy Wolf; the post made me think about my fanfics... I have so many fanfics, I could publish... They're just unfinished lolz! I don't believe in sharing unfinished work, lol... #Perfectionismonmypart... 

     But if anyone wants to read my work, I can always post some of it in the creative section. Just let me know! Shameless plug is now plugged in... ^_^  
    Working on some math, I need a little help with this one segment... It's literal problems. Word problems and plugging in formulas for them. Like I said the equivalent of watching "School Days" in a loop for two weeks straight! I mean, I get the idea I'm just having a problem in writing the right formulas. I've got some of them right, it's just annoying... 
    You guys will all follow me after the update, right? It's not that I'm insecure about our relationships, I just want to double-check lolz... ;)  #allthesingleladiesandgentlemen! 
    Doing math, is like the academic equivalent of watching the horrid creature called "School Days" in a loop for two weeks straight... Like it's horrendous! And the dang formulas... 
    Random yearning for some really hot, goth/emo looking guy... Clean shaven, fit, friendly and creative. Lolz, one of my ideal types! And I still wish creeps would slither back under the rocks they crawled out from under... Oy vay. 

     Also this is no offense to a person on here, who is has the snake thing as their profile pic. I don't know your name, but if you read this; just know I'm not talking about you! I have nothing against you... It's just a term, I like. #Nooffense #Awkwardlycorrect! 
    lol i don't blame you... i personally think beards are for old people and the other things are unpleasant in any gender. then again, i have piercings and wear eyeliner, so we all like different things.
    Well there's nothing wrong with piercings and eyeliner in my opinion, it's the other stuff is just... Ullck! Lolz. :)  I'm glad you get where I'm coming from though @spookie spook
    It's fine. The tights were dark and I made sure to stand very far away. But I know, I can never be friends with someone who wears tight tights.

    I will....see things.
    Loving Nicki Minaj's "I hate men" songs; they're amazing. "Fire Burns" and I also interpret "Stupid Hoe" as one of those songs that can be applied idiotic boys. They're great! People may underestimate her talents, but she can write amazing verses and she has a unique singing voice as well. :)  I'm not a die-hard Barbie or anything, but I do enjoy her music. 
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