Spotine Jun 18, 2015 "Computer, that buzzing sound is so annoying! But that's okay, you sound like the ocean... Said no kid that's only ever lived in Nebraska."
"Computer, that buzzing sound is so annoying! But that's okay, you sound like the ocean... Said no kid that's only ever lived in Nebraska."
Spotine Jun 2, 2015 My basketball game: "The score is tied, we're down by 3. If I make this 2 point shot we will win. They just scored a 3 pointer and we won."
My basketball game: "The score is tied, we're down by 3. If I make this 2 point shot we will win. They just scored a 3 pointer and we won."
Spotine Jun 2, 2015 Are oranges named oranges because they're orange, or is orange called orange because oranges are orange?
Are oranges named oranges because they're orange, or is orange called orange because oranges are orange?
Spotine Jun 2, 2015 Mom: "Are you talking back to me?!" Me: "Yeah that's kinda how communication works..."
Spotine Jun 1, 2015 "How do I know that you and me see the same colors the same way? Is my red blue for you or my green your green too?"
"How do I know that you and me see the same colors the same way? Is my red blue for you or my green your green too?"
Spotine Jun 1, 2015 That moment when your teacher says "partner up!" and you look at your friend, but your friend is looking at someone else.
That moment when your teacher says "partner up!" and you look at your friend, but your friend is looking at someone else.