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  • The skies will rain red...
    The Lady Kitsunerisu
    The Lady Kitsunerisu
    But I also get to throw your magic sword out the window. I like seeing him freak out before he remembers that he can fly.
    Hey, don't abuse Gaze like that. Swords have feelings too, ya know.
    The Lady Kitsunerisu
    The Lady Kitsunerisu
    He smacks my ass all the time! Why can't I throw him out of the window just once for doing that multiple times a day?
    "Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before." -Mae West
    “Nothing is easier than to denounce the evildoer; nothing is more difficult than to understand him.” ― Fyodor Dostoevsky
    “He who profits by villainy, has perpetrated it.” ― Iain Pears, An Instance of the Fingerpost
    your time's almost up. If time expires I'm moving on without you. Just a simple, sorry I'm busy will work.
    or atleast Brice was. But if your not doing your old character then I'm going to not do the "test mission" and just move on. I need to know so I can continue the RP.
    We are waiting on you to continue the RP. I need to know rather your still doing your old character or not. Because, if you are I was going to have the current members of the Hero Project go on a test mission to short of stop what you character was doing then after beating you or whatever they was going to invite you to join them....
    That's fine. you still need to make a profile for your character so I can approve it.

    Wait, did you mean have a new character and have him intrupt the meeting? That's what I ment. So are you not going to use your old one? if so let me know.... also please reply on my account so I can get a reply. If your doing the old character still you can start him now. and yes, you can still do him and your new one.
    Why not do both? Have my new character, plus the whole thing about him running late and interrupting the meeting?
    it since technically I made a special adjustment for your character at the start. So either or it doesn't bother me.
    COuld you please let me know what you plan on doing... cuz if your doing a new character, i could just have your character (who's allready been accepted into the project) running a bit late thus he intrupts the meeting by coming in.

    I also need to know cuz if you plan on scrapping your first character then I'm going to be adjusting what I had planned. it doesn't bother me to adjust
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