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  • Ok that's odd... It posted the first one when it said it was errored and did not post...
    Another note - Did I ever make an introduction all those months ago...
    ................................................................. Why the hell....... Would somebody..... Post that.... Here......
    So I dug the Cracks lore out and posted it... Oh god so many grammatical errors from back then.... Oww...
    Well, with the number of people on this site I am sure somebody could fully start out their own plot for good or ill of other players.
    We need like... a + 5 character limit on this thing, I have to much to type and have to re word things half the time to make it shorter.
    But then people would complain when it ran down and burnt out from lack of something driving it.
    Infection has no real plot but it has things players can learn over time, could be fully player driven with me controlling the infected only
    a properly formatted roleplay and Towers needs to be finished writing.
    Well.. I can put up my various ideas, Cracks, Towers and Infection... Infection still needs written up.. Cracks needs to be converted to-
    Well I have a few ideas but I suck at plot pure and simple, then I would need the time to run it and I am unsure if I do.
    Well dark, nothing here interests me all that did is dead or changed, and with college I chose to spend my time elsewhere.
    That is an opinion sir, I personally dislike it but I am a minority and I almost never come here late so my opinion is less valid than yours
    I would suggest names, but suggesting names takes away from names I could use should I ever have children.
    A star as in you can talk in the TS now... -_- I did not look at your link...
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