Saiyan Princess Oct 27, 2015 Really want a detailed hp rp right now. Preferably with someone playing Draco.
Saiyan Princess Oct 26, 2015 When you've watched the same show for years and only just now understand the lyrics.
Saiyan Princess Oct 23, 2015 I'm going to attempt a drawing of our favorite demigod hero. Well, not mine, but yeah.
Saiyan Princess Oct 12, 2015 Why do i watch shows that i know will have me bawling like a baby? Because I'm stupid. That's why.
Saiyan Princess Oct 10, 2015 My loyal followers, my page might say I'm on, but if i haven't been seen in thirty minutes or more, I'm not. Please keep that in mind, dears
My loyal followers, my page might say I'm on, but if i haven't been seen in thirty minutes or more, I'm not. Please keep that in mind, dears
Saiyan Princess Oct 9, 2015 I wish I had more rps where I was the female. I have at least three where I'm the male and it's boring me.
I wish I had more rps where I was the female. I have at least three where I'm the male and it's boring me.
Saiyan Princess Oct 9, 2015 God help the outcasts, hungry from birth. Show them the mercy they don't find on Earth.