Noble Scion Dec 16, 2017 The amount of sandwich creation and explosions has been very bad for the environment! You should be ashamed!
The amount of sandwich creation and explosions has been very bad for the environment! You should be ashamed!
RandomBlobMan Dec 16, 2017 AaaaAAH feel something so right, eating a sandwich. Couldn’t lie, couldn’t lie, couldn’t lie, everything that’ sandwich makes me feel alive.
AaaaAAH feel something so right, eating a sandwich. Couldn’t lie, couldn’t lie, couldn’t lie, everything that’ sandwich makes me feel alive.
CastoffCaptain Dec 15, 2017 Now, some men like the fishing, and some men like the fowling. Some men like to hear... to hear the cannonballs roaring. Me, I like sleeping.
Now, some men like the fishing, and some men like the fowling. Some men like to hear... to hear the cannonballs roaring. Me, I like sleeping.
RandomBlobMan Dec 15, 2017 When you haven't group rp'ed so long that you can't look up your most recent rp post.
RandomBlobMan Dec 14, 2017 And in case I don’t see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.