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  • Heya folks!   =)  This segment from Whoopi Goldberg's excellent and heart-opening stand-up in the 1980s really made my day.  Whether she realizes it or not, Goldberg is one heck of a role-player (as seen here).  Her message here is powerful, true, and it touches my heart.  I would game with Goldberg in a sweet minute.  =)

    I also really like the title.  This really is "a lesson for everyone."  =)

    Have a good day, everyone!
    We have power back!  Power is a wonderful thing.  =)

    Thanks for all of the warm wishes and sunshine, everyone!  May you be at least as fortunate when hard times come your way.  =)
    Heya folks!  Kaerri and I are preparing for Hurricane Matthew.  If we disappear for a time, that's why!  If you're the praying kind, please do pray for all folks affected.  =)

    Honor and fun,

    Us.  =)
    They need to stop naming hurricanes after people and start naming them things like "Mega-Death Hell Satan," people will take them way more seriously then.
    Wolf Rawrrr
    Wolf Rawrrr
    Well, personally I'd name them after heavy metal bands, but the National Hurricane Center in US apparently already has us (you) covered all the way into 2021. And guess what, lists get recycled after a while (except the exceptionally bad ones which are permanently dropped, like Sandy and Katrina) And whaddaya know, it seems that the ratio of male vs female names is 1:1 *woof*
    Yep, every other one is female.  And they try to do multinational names too, not just "English-sounding" ones, which is pretty cool.  There's actually an international committee that picks them.
    Another evening writing up my new Hosted Project and I'm beat (tired).  But you know what?  I feel good.  That's what a labor of love is all about.  =)
    What's on my mind?  I have a new favorite video!  I have also noticed a distinct lack of Steam Powered Giraffe in here so....  "Malfunction" away! 8D
    Please let me know if you need players for Sharseya~
    I can sacrifice a few souls from Aegis.
    Teh Frixz
    Teh Frixz
    Thank you for the offer, Teh Frixz.  Not at this time.  

    Ha ha!  Welian, you are a trip!  =)

    Honor and fun,

    Dann =)
    Woo!  RpN 2.0's Night Lyfe is fantastic!  For the better part of two years now, I have been reading the site with the aid of sunglasses (no joke!), but this new Dark theme is so very nice!  Thank you, Staff-chan!  8D
    This whole RpN 2.0 thing is going to be so cool once a few of the bugs are fixed.  I like this!  =)
    "The penis is evil"? @TacoMann O.K. , but does that really need to be stated in the one place where first-timers & the public can read it?
    O.K. It only takes me *this* long to notice the Invite Accept button on the screen. Heh! =)
    @ehmygirl That really bites. Good luck "gittin' r done", lady.
    Good. And if they are skilled movers that care, then that sounds like a great deal. Hope you like your new place! =)
    Wouldn't know, they never showed up. Grrr..... but an old family friend volunteered some people who know my grandparents. So we got things loaded.
    Hah! So a friend was able to help out after all by calling in a few extra hands. That's good! I was wondering if you were going to get moved in at all after that first sentence in your last post there. =)
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