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  • I honestly think that Rob Dyke is 100% more tolerable when he's regurgitating information and not voicing his own opinion; because those opinions are not well informed, or even very good in the first place.
    He does some research, but I find that he does very biased research, which isn't the way to go. I have to do a lot of research for the degree that I'm working towards, and I worry about biases all the time. Which is why I tend to hold myself and others to a higher standard.

    Sure, his efforts at researching are what I'd call average, and that is a lot more than what some other people do on the internet. That's what I think most of what he says is, stuff to get a reaction or to get people's blood boiling because he likes the attention; but what I'm worried about is that there are some people who take him completely seriously. 

    The 'Cloverkin' video was its own separate video where he looked at Tumblr and was looking at the propaganda that 4Chan was posting about it. The whole idea of the prank was to create a fake orientation and get Tumblr to take it seriously. 'Cloverkin' essentially is a fake orientation which describes adults who identify as children and who are in love with children, so pedophilia. I managed to get my hands on the receipts so I knew what was up even before it began. But, honestly, if you've been on either site for long enough, you see the animosity between them. 

    Otherkin is an entirely different 'beast' to tackle, I want to say. The main issue is that people who identify as Otherkin are very vulnerable. They often use it as a way to cope with difficult living conditions, or disassociate from the world around them. I would like to say that it's one small part of a larger underlying illness, but that's just me guessing away. 
    That makes sense. If you are doing it for a degree you probably will and should think about biases when researching. Although in Robs case, the opinionated videos are far more casual than his other ones so it makes sense that he does not look into things as much. He likely has an opinion first and then looks for things to support his opinion afterward. After all, he is not trying to propose a logical argument to his viewers, simply share what he already thinks and why.  Once again, I'm not saying he is right for not doing his research first but his videos seem more like they are intended to be taken as entertainment rather than an informational video.

    What YouTuber does not like attention? Without it they will die out on the site and no longer have a job.  I imagine that some people do take him seriously though.  I will admit that I am occasionally one of them because I do not have enough interest in the topic to go out on my own and further look into them, but everything I see on the internet I take with a grain of salt and accept that it is possible they are complete lies or at least exaggerated. It's like news. The point of me saying this is that the people who believe everything they see/hear unconditionally likely are not interested in the topic enough to care about the full truth or they are simply not very wise as people overall so they are going to be lost either way. There will always be a fraction of people who take everything seriously, even when it comes from something which is known to a comedy/horror channel, and I cannot blame Rob for those types of people. 

    Oh yeah, I remember that now.  Even though Cloverkin was made as a joke, it is not unrealistic at all so I can understand Rob thinking it was a real belief without looking into it.  Not to mention the fact that it is tumblr and 4chan have a habit of making real things seem fake, and treating fake topics as real. For anyone it is probably hard to sort through the lies and really know the truth. 

    Haha, I appreciate the pun!  I agree, it is likely something do with with an illness and the desire to escape reality which Rob does comment on at the end of that video actually. 
    Yup, that's what I've noticed. I'm just annoyed with his research methods. But don't worry about it, I'm annoyed with most people's research methods anyways. 

    I usually take what he says with a grain of salt, just because of how I know that he's not coming from a well-informed position. I understand how Rob could have taken it seriously, but at the same time, he could have done the minute of research that would have taken him to the receipts. That's what gets me. 

    The part where he does comment on it as being an escape from reality was what saved the video for me. Like, they obviously need professional help to deal with those issues or find the underlying cause; but at the same time, I don't think that we should make fun of them.
    One thing that an English degree is good for is that I know all the good romantic poetry.
    Steel Accord
    Steel Accord
    Ugh, wish I had a course in that.
    It's my Lit Survey class lmao, I end up reading a lot of Romantic and romantic poetry. Also, Alexander Hamilton's letters to Elizabeth before they were married were downright insane, I was scandalized.
    I'm literally so exhausted that I can barely function as a human being. University is great.
    It's a slow death
    Steel Accord
    Steel Accord
    It gets better. Trust me, I've been through it.
    I know, I'm literally just waiting for my body to collapse out of sheer exhaustion. It's great. My joints are cracking, my back and shoulders ache, and I'm reliant on caffeine to make me act human.
    There's a point in the semester when you get sick of reading Romantic-Era poetry, and that point is right now. Percy Bysshe Shelley better not disappoint me.
    My idea of procrastination is trying to pick fights with people on Facebook. Don't ask me why, I just like fighting. I really like it. I live on it.
    Where y'all from?

    I'm from Saskatchewan, weather currently sitting at -5.8 degrees Fahrenheit (-21 degrees Celsius).
    Winter doesn't exist here. Kinda sucks but not at the same time. XD 
    I mean, the weather that I experience in a year will vary from burning hellscape to frozen wasteland. Winter is...okay? Like my car has trouble starting because it's so cold
    Sum Stulta! Sum Stulta!
    That doesn't make sense? And the language mentioned in the H.P. Lovecraft texts is "R'lyehian", not "Cthulhunese"
    WEll, yeah, I was just speaking R'lyehian in cthulhunese in latin. Or is it the other way around...?
    It's not a recognized dialect of Latin, though. We've only got Classical and Ecclesiastic, and I was speaking Classical.
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