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  • B
    Good day,
    I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and demand it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on( for the full details.

    Have a nice day.
    Mrs.Abiola Bawuah.
    Hey Hey Hey Fairly guess what?
    Markson thats what



    Why do you spam so much on twitter?? .O. I woke up this morning to see like 10 notifications about you tweeting kpop vines and stuff.
    Turn off notifications 

    Sorry, sorry, I can't not laugh when I see this or hear this song anymore. Why? I'm sorry, YB, you're my UB and all, but I did a thing with BTS and it forever ruined this song for me, lol. 

    I cut this thing together awhile ago because reasons:


    *screams internally *

    MARKSON IS MY LIFE. Blonde Mark and Jackson is everything. 

    I have one wish and it's to go to the Markson wedding. xD
    anyone want to die now 
    Mark is like my "best friend bias." Because everyone's a bias, lol. He was my ultimate Got7 bias for a long time, but somehow Jr took over. Idek how that happened. He's always been way up there for me, but he sealed the deal waving at me and blowing me a kiss at the concert. That was arrow straight through the heart, lol. I was like, OH, THAT'S IT! YOU'VE DONE IT NOW! I OFFICIALLY LOVE YOU FOREVER! I HOPE YOU'RE PROUD OF YOURSELF YOU LIL ASSHOLE!!!!"
    W0ow. I don't have a bias lmao. I never do.
    that's why they get bias nicknames, lol. Jr is now straight up the regular bias, mark is the best friend bias, jackson is the boyfriend bias (god, i want him as a bf, he's so bf material! why don't guys exist like that here???), jb is the eye candy bias, bambam is basically my smol, sweet, nutty child who i need to protect from the world bias, yugi is of course the one i turn to when i want to see a dance king bias, and YJ is the sugary angel bias with the vocals for days. god, i love them. 
    I feel sick ): 
    @FairlyLocal Do you know what caused it?

    For the nausea have you tried taking any medicine, for the headache try to put a towel over your head over a sink filled with hot water and breathe in the steam or put your feet in warm water or put a cool cloth on your head and lay in the dark for awhile (maybe nap) or try meditation music.

    I mean if its just normal headache / nausea.

    but if its from the shock and stress of the site changes just try to calm down and breathe okay? don't get too worked up just listen to something relaxing everything will be okay Muffin <3
    It's either because I'm stressed, I ate too much candy at the movie theaters, my period, I'm just sick (I have a runny nose so), I didn't eat enough food (like usually), or I have low blood sugar... Yeah... 

    I should probably try those things out. Thanks! ^^
    @FairlyLocal Drinking a bit of water can help nausea if you take it slow.

    In this order is what I'd do

    • Take temperature (If sick either A. take medicine or B. try to cool, down, warm up, eat, drink because sometimes I've had it be bc too hot, too cold, dehydrated or hungry changing my temp)
    • Drink some water slowly
    • Eat something small and healthy see if it fixes it (try something with a bit of iron or vitamin D bc you could be low on those possibly)
    • Take medicine if sick or if its really bad and take a nap

    I'd go from one to the other if the previous yielded no results.
    I'm letting people see my age because I'm not a p*ssy... Also because idk how to turn it off 
    Idk how to use this site. Where did all my followers go?! I'm lost....
    Followers should be imported in soon, as mentioned in the update, the site is currently reconstructing itself! :3

    Tutorials are coming up in the next couple days as well.
    Thank you so much xxxxx 
    We love you all and are also kinda lost rn lol

    Buuut it's sparkly and should end up being better for us in the long run. <3<3<3
    I'm going homeeee... But the update is tomorrow. Sigh. Wtf am I going to do?
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