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  • Hey there, Master Grin... I came here for your help as your a moderator. I seem to have really really big problems about posting (replying).

    It's like i can see the square where I'm supposed to write, but it's just blank and clickless most of the times. You know what might be the problem?
    (part 2, too long for one message) I didn't wanna bug AcE with something like this, but I figured a mod should know. My question is, is this due to the recent Server changes that I heard have been going down, or is this something on my end? I'll delete this post if you don't want it here, but all the Support forums are affected too :(
    (part 2, too long for one message) I didn't wanna bug AcE with something like this, but I figured a mod should know. My question is, is this due to the recent Server changes that I heard have been going down, or is this something on my end? I'll delete this post if you don't want it here, but all the Support forums are affected too :(
    Hey Grin, I gotta problem and I don't know howta fix it. Reason I'm posting here is, all of the textboxes on the site are down for me. Rp posts, conversations ShoutBox, they just aren't there, as well as all profile pictures(e.g. the staff pics on the side of the shoutbox) show a generic "no image" pic, etc
    Unfortunately, this is an ongoing problem that is being worked on and hopefully fixed as soon as possible. There are other users plagued with it as well, mostly those outside of the United States.

    All I can tell you is that it should be fixed soon, but I cannot give an exact date or time. I hope this helps! You're not the only one with the issue!
    Thanks, Grin, my man, I happen to be outside of the States, so that is probably the dilemma :( I'll just tough it out until there's a fix. as you saw earlier, it was working fine, then it just... didn't XD but, thanks anyway :) just asking, would you prefer I delete this post off of your profile?
    Thanks for the VIP! You didn't have to, but I do appreciate it =D
    No thanks necessary. =]

    I just ask folks to pay it forward when they can.
    No. We have a dude with a giant beard. Now I understand what you meant before Grin....
    Nice Avatar.....
    "...If one could find extremely fresh specimens and re-charge that chemical process, BANG, we'd have re-animation."
    And so, it begins. *leaves a beer.*
    Does Iowa weather ever show love?
    Not really. Last winter wasn't that bad, honestly. This year though has been either 'too cold to do anything but take of skin' or 'getting warmer, but hey we brought you some freezing rain, snow and a shitload of wind!'
    I now am picturing you stuck to a lightpole via your tongue.
    Is that Eddie the Head I see? (:
    It is, it is! Everyone was doing some holiday avatars and I thought I'd share my form of holiday spirit. XD
    Beautiful Grinneh, I can see his holiday cheer......literally, it's in his rib cage
    Grinneh your dog Avii is some kind'a wonderful
    Thanks! The dog 'meme' has always made me laugh and I found a cutout of the head on the internets... one stupid thing lead to another and I figured why NOT put it on the Looney Tunes background. XD
    B-di-di-di A that's all folks WoooF!!
    We should play a game sometime with a few others! ^^
    Very true! I just need to find the time! XD
    Guitar is life.....well that and chinese food, ....playing guitar and eatin chinese in one afternoon is the ultimate saturday hang out
    Dude, that sounds fantastic. Haha. Hope that's my Saturday.

    Next time I do a geetar Livestream, I'll try and shoot you a link to it. I'm no pro, but people seem to like my half-assed guitar playing. =P
    ive been playin guitar for 7yrs now an im still pretty ameture compared to others AKA no lives XD
    I've been playing for about the same time, I think. Hell, it's been awhile. Picked it up when I was younger, stopped for a bit, picked up again and never stopped. And yeah, self-taught, so I'm pretty amateur as well.
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