neon reverie

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  • this bish is like.
    the sweetest ever?????
    like, i can't even????????
    idk how i managed to find such an amazing and kind person to talk to but damn i ain't complainin
    that being said this bish forever has my support and protection
    yall hurt her and i'll eat your kneecaps-
    normally, I do like surprises, but not when it's an 11-page essay you are supposed to finish TODAY and you didn't know shit about any essay-
    neon reverie
    neon reverie
    oof but I just subscribed to this hot new place called Hell tho-
    “Hot” new place loved the pun XD
    neon reverie
    neon reverie
    It's a shame you can't like your own comments. I need that self-love.
    I read that last post first. The amount of times sugar is in it is absolutely appropriate for how sweet this status chain/convo is.

    But also hilarious out of context.
    neon reverie
    neon reverie
    I wanted to say I'll bring energy drinks, but then I just imagine a hello kitty car chucking back monster energy and driving away like its on steroids-
    oh my god i'm crying-
    I bow to the great three neuron intellectual! (in a place that is a little more appropriate for this banter)
    Haha, indeed I am a trap guy.

    Edit: Spent so long trying to think of how not to sound angry when I said lol
    neon reverie
    neon reverie
    lmao well it worked because I can't decipher anything remotely angry about that phrase :3
    I found so many pretty pictures on Pinterest oml. Kinda want to change my profile picture again but kinda want to keep this one too because it's a literal goddess.
    Me: looks at time 1:50 AM? That's a bit late... but I'll probably be fine

    Narrator: she, in fact, won't be fine and will come to regret this decision very soon.
    OK was someone gonna tell me they already aired Queer Eye: we are in Japan on netflix or was I randomly supposed to find that out just now myself???
    if you think I would walk through the rain for twenty minutes to get some discount Halloween candy, then you are absolutely right.
    A halloween outfit concept; plastering a big mirror to your chest and when people ask who you're dressed as you answer: a clown. Bonus points if you come across your ex.
    I'm also kinda thinking about creating a sci-fi group roleplay?
    but also a cute KRP ???

    choices, choices...
    Me: clicking on a Disney song video
    My brain, knowing very well this will turn into a 2h marathon of Disney song videos: ah shit here we go again.
    I met someone today who was older than me but didn't know who Queen was... My soul died a little tbh.
    honestly how in the world are there people that literally don't know who queen is?? i get it if someone's never like...listened to a song by queen, but SURELY everybody should have at least heard of them and know they're a band smh
    neon reverie
    neon reverie
    Could someone please tell me who decided to release all these awesome games in 2020? Cyberpunk 2077??? Dying light 2??? Last of us II??? Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2?? Animal Crossing on the switch?? ( I don't even own a switch !!!!) WITH WHAT MONEY AM I SUPPOSED TO BUY THESE GAMES? I AM A BROKE ASS STUDENT-
    Load it up on your amazon wishlist and drop the hint, aka text it to people like "I WANT THE THINGS!"
    neon reverie
    neon reverie
    Interesting strategy. Shall try it out when the time arrives.
    R Talsorian Games/CD Projeckt Red, Naughty Dog, Hardsuit Labs, and Nintendo respectively.
    I actually finished the schoolwork that was on my to-do list for today. I feel equally proud as suspicious of myself...
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