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  • Everyone in the Tower thread in Overlord is probably going to hate me.
    Another cruel day of assignments - I will try to post but good news - I have no school Friday! So I definitely will be posting all tomorrow.
    @Xenthriss - As Pine said, in Mega, things must be RPed, and they have no relation with anything in RL. Nevada may not even exist in Mega.
    Will try to post tonight, but had so many assignments to do. Thought stuff was due Thursday when it fact it was Tuesday... D:
    @Wolf - Its by chance that there is 10. There can be more, just we haven't approved any new RPs so far to make it 11
    @Pineapple - No idea how hard it was to get online. Miss you... D:
    Tempest and Silent you guys should post in Megalopolis. Moved you guys around.
    Pine's & Freeman's work is amazing, but Miz's CSS is always overlooked! 1px to the right or left?! So many decisions!
    I also have trouble keeping my computer on for more than a few minutes. Computer Gods be wrathful tonight.
    I was busy with School Work and RL matters today. Will be posting a lot tomorrow afternoon. So be expecting
    Got around to replacing the weird default icons with the traditional Xenforo Male/Female/? ones.
    @ Tempest - "Every breath you take, Every move you make, Every bond you break, Every step you take, We'll be watching" - Inn Staff
    Feeling a bit better right now, will be posting in London and Overlord Threads.
    If you have trouble with character sheets, best thing to do is contact that RP Storyteller.
    @Misha, Robo, Seer - My computer crashed and lost my post, so I will be posting in Tower tomorrow.
    @Tempest - I think he is waiting for you to post in response to the current actions. If not I will post.
    Posted in pretty much every thread I am in today except for London, waiitng for Pine on that one.
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