Melancholy Heart

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  • My back’s against the mattress, and you’re hovering over me. I stare at you, and you’re staring back at me. I’m thinking to myself, ‘what have we done to each other? What kind of game are we indulging into now? Is any of this real?’. This is stupid. Absolutely insane, yet neither of us leave each other. You hurt me, and I hurt you back. I hit you, and you don’t think twice about doing the same. Now I’m on the floor. My back is covered in carpet burn. My knuckles are red and scratchy, and I’m laughing so hard I can’t inhale. There are tears in my eyes, while you’re standing over me. You slap me across the face, and I can’t stop laughing. My ribcage might burst, and I can’t hear a fucking thing.

    Please don’t ever leave.
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