Melancholy Heart

❝Insecurities coat skin even of iron with the star dust of all the galaxies their reign, and although star dust, they weight heavy on my eyelids, this splitted molecular balloons that make it difficult to breathe whenever they implant themself into my lungs with every breath that is only meant to tell me that I'm still alive, that I survived.
These galaxies they tear me down, push me to the corner until my eyes become the universe releasing stars into the ugliness beneath that is my face, and my knees are aching.
It's all because I always see stars prettier than mine, words mightier than mine, minds broader than mine and tongues more wicked than mine. I always see someone who has all that I have as well but better and to fear loneliness is one thing, but to fear loneliness because no one wants to live on a planet that has no rivers to still your thirst and nothing you can plant to nourish yourself.
And when you ask them what they see in me, the general consensus is: he had nothing beautiful about him, he was an ugly man, uninteresting in his person, let alone his looks.❞
Aug 15, 1998 (Age: 26)


Melancholy Heart#1709