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  • So you chose your persons and dogs life, if you make your dog to difficult to handle, Micheal will ask you a few times if you want the dog put down, for being unmanageable, if your dog is to sweet and cant do any jobs, Micheal may not ask you, but tell you he is putting the dog down for being incapable of any military training, or he may send it back to its old home, or to get adopted out again, if your person is weak wills you can make him drop out (DEFINITELY NOT SUGGESTED) But if he/she doesn't listen to Micheal, he will under go ever harder training and such, Our heroes don't wear tights and capes, Our heroes wear dog tags.
    the character sheet is in the Animal Character Sheets thread area, Link of character sheet vvv
    [ http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.p...151#post178151 ] Its about dogs and their masters who are sent into the military, the five star general is Micheal with his two German Shepherd dogs Hawk and Diesel. The owner and dog under go tough and violent military experiences, but once every dog has made a friendship with their dog, they will be sent out into war, the dogs and owners either sniffing out bombs and hiding enemy, guarding camp, or charging right into the war attacking the enemy. basically after awhile this thread will be closed because i had enough people join and once training starts it would be hard to get another person to enter
    Hi, Lily! I'm going to set one thing straight. I am a Marine's daughter, and if you try to stalk me, I will have you put into federal prison! Welcome to the Nation! (for everyone who sees my page, I know Lily.)
    Hi Mindcage. you can call me Max. I love Max and though Fang may be, he will always love Max, and I stand by that opinion. :)
    Hi I'm MindCage. I checked you out because your name is my favroite book:) I love max and Fang is an asshole just thought I'd Let you know
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