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  • oh my god! i luv your signature. too cute. with all the symbols and all. i laughed hard when i saw that, i could have never thought of that. i think it is way to cute. lol
    Got your message and every thing! Now I need to actually do something and not be dead weight! Lol! I hope every one likes me!!
    :8D: Wasn't aware I had fans, that's a boost to my esteem, lol. Oh shoot, did I didn't send you that thing. Just curious; how much have you read of the story?
    YAY YAY YAY!!!! Thank you so much!!!! I'm really sorry if I'm annoying you, I really am, but....your so cool!!!!
    Hi! its nice to finally attempt to talk to you! I just wanted to let you know if been following young justice and was hoping to join! I perfectly understand if you dont want me though! I admire your work greatly! O.M.G I'm such a noob aren't I!?!? Lol! Let me know latter ok? Byezeez!
    hey, stopping by! e,e btw umm i did a hero thing with the "young justice" thing. hope you liked it! ps sorry about the pic of him, ill try and get a different one!
    i am still doing the rp. i just havent been on in a while. ill probably bump it if no one posts. we still need 7 more
    I'm just here to ask what would be a good entry point for the young justice RP since you guys are being chased by an explosion blast at the moment. :))
    Oh, sadly I don't know what that is, but Hi! It is nice to meet you, and that is cool. I can't wait to see the moon now, or not see it ^^
    Sure I'll read the first chapter and I freaked at the end when John killed Megan because I didn't think it was a simulation
    okay, so my internet's been canceled since like, June, and we just got internet back about a week ago but i didn't work, then i fixed it tonight, so now it does, and im happy, so im using a really, really, really long run-on sentence that has a lot of comas, I GET TO RP SUBSTANCIALLY NOW!!!! aww, but i did notice people are gone and things have changed *scratches head and scolds self* 'duh, it happens when you don't get on in six monthes'. But im back now to stay, hopefully. :o
    Greetings. Would you be interested in a Medieval-Fantasy based RP on a different site? It's on a wikia and the editing system is real easy to use. Plus it's a growing community sooo... Yeah. :3
    Currently the roleplay is at a bit of a stand still. If you want I can summarize what has happened so that you don't have to read the 15 pages. All five of the examinees from the original Academy are on Earth at this point. My character has interacted with both Twisted's charrie and Dread's charrie and is currently staying with Dread's charrie in a shack. Kagu's charrie is currently with Ran's charrie (who is mortal) and they just recently went to see Riddle's charrie (who is an examinee who has found work at a voodoo shop.) Currently it is night and several characters are asleep safe for Kagu and Ran. We need to wait for them to do a time skip before anything else happens. And as for the Academies, they are the ones holding the exam. Whoever passes the exam is given the option to learn much stronger magic that is not open to the public because it is dangerous and takes a lot of strain on the body. That's about it. I'm sorry for the long message ^^;
    This summer I'm going to be in the play THe Wizard of Oz. I really want to get Dorthy. I look just like her! I've heard that Justin Bieber is most known for how many girls hate him. I somewhat like roller coasters. (the ones at Disneyland) I can't really stand loops at all. I've never really been on a loop before and the first roller coaster with a loop a went on was Boomerang at knotts berry farm. My dad forced me to go on it. boomerang is a two loop roller coaster that goes both forward and backward. O.O
    My summer is probably going to be packed also. I want to go do that thing where you get the map of the star's homes and you drive around trying to find them. I bet that will be pretty cool. If Justin Bieber had a house here, I would probably make fun of it. hehe! I think you'll like tennis. Its really fun. Especially when you have a racket that has a really cool design on it. I'm also glad that I'm on rp nation now!
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