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  • Never saw my dark side, i-in your eyes. 

    Back and forth bloody fingers painting up the sky-- the sky.

    Hold the phone

    Hit repeat

    Got me foaming at the knees

    Saw the flame

    Tasted Sin

    You burned me once again

    Cut the cord

    She's a creep

    I keep swinging my hand through a swarm of bees
    I can't understand why they're stinging me
    But I'll do what I want
    I'll do what I please
    I'll do it again till I've got what I need
    Sad vegetarians eat cheese and yogurt for dinner. 
    No, not by a long shot. But I am broke and I have eaten cheese for dinner before.

    (I also pretended to be vegetarian, um, twice, when I was in the mental hospital bc I have a policy that if the meat looks and/or tastes sketch and I don't know where its from I won't eat it. Like, bc "its better to eat a sketchy plants stamen than a sketchy pigs anus" you know?)

    Are you vegetarian? That is hecka cool
    I am vegetarian and I was vegetarian while I was in IP as well because if sketch meat XD

    I am vegetarian because meat makes my tummy hurt. 
    Ah. Eggs do that for me. I still eat them, but they mess with me.
    Holy fuck. I did the math and just realized that one of my old rp partners could have a fucking kid by now.... holy... 
    Also yeah, I realized he must be fairly old by now because I was like 12 when we were partners, pretty sure he was somewhere around the age of 15 or 16. 


    Was one of the greatest partners I ever had, s'a shame I haven't been able to find them to see what's up. We kind of fell off the face of each other's planets on a really really really bad note and I can't even remember what happened. Oh man... oh well. 
    I have an old partner like that.  We were both twelve though.  I know her name, and I've searched for her though she was in high class back then, so I couldn't imagine what her life is like now.  I think about it every now and then.  Good times. 
    Oh I tried to find him for years and gave up like 2 years ago. I think about him every now and again, but her definitely molded how I see writing today (or more-like how I pick my partners and plots). He had this character who ( I think he based off a character from Bleach) would make these clay otters who would explode and he lost an arm in one of our rps. The romance was really subtle but I still enjoyed it a lot and he had a thing for killing his characters and bringing them back to life. 

    Ahhh... good times. He made me cry a few times LOL 
    Could have almost 800 saved up by the beginning of March for my vacation, and by the end of march I should have almost $2000 saved owo 
    Am I the only person who buys CDs anymore? 
    I usually try to find a way to donate to the band more directly if I can, but I like a lot of local, and underground stuff.   There are a ton of major bands I love, but going to a concert for nearly $400 is enough support imo.  I don't need to buy their CD. 
    I'm kind of the other way 'round.  I can't afford to go to the concerts, so I buy the CDs. ^;3^
    Yeah, some of them aren't cheap at all.  Everyone knows this might be the last time to see A Perfect Circle live so the tickets were OUTRAGEOUS.  Conversely, when I went to see Slipknot it was hella cheap.  Less than $150.   These are Pitt tickets though.  You could go to the bleachers/lawn area for much less
    Oh god my birthday is in 5 days... in 5 days I'll have to update all my accountsD: 
    But don't most things ask you for your date of birth rather than your age?

    So that you don't have to do that.
    But my "about me's" would still say I'm 19 
    I can hear the sounds of sirens

    circling around

    Forced to watch the ashes floating, softly drifting to the ground
    Deep down we both knew it was trouble by design
    And the echo of my mother's words, "baby don't you play with fire"
    And you said
    "This is the first day of my life
    I'm glad I didn't die before I met you
    But now I don't care, I could go anywhere with you
    And I'd probably be happy"
    Yours was the first face that I saw
    I think I was blind before I met you
    I don't know where I am, I don't know where I've been
    But I know where I want to go
    Okay I have a hard time memorizing the artists who painted the paintings so I end up going through my study guide and putting little notes next to their names XD Like Filippo Brunelleschi did a gilded bronze panel for a competition and so did Lorenzo Ghiberti The only way I can tell them apart is that in Filippo's bronze casting of Sacrifice of Issac, Issac's father is aggressively grasping Isaac by the throat to kill him. So the word I use to remember his piece is "Filippo Flipping out" The way I remember Lorenzo Ghiberti is everyone in his sculptures looks "Lazy" And Donotello's sculptures all look flamboyant Gentile Da Fabriano's paintings always seem to have really gentil looking depictions of people. Like even in chaos they all look polite and shit lolol Masaccio has a painting of Christ on a cross covered in blood so the word I associate with him is "Masochist" XD
    Sleepy, bored, sleepybored. Looking for roleplay partners; preferably ones who like bloody messes and pretty mentally unstable characters. Preferably someone around my age and with a bit of rp experience. 
    Has melancholy taken you for good?
    You know that I would save you if I could
    Watched your laughter turn to tears
    Then you vanished in thin air
    Well we pinned your missing persons picture up
    On every mother-loving post
    How's it feel to be a ghost?
    You're the one I love the most
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