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  • Today's the first day of school for the kids where I''m vacationing. I've been blessed.  xD
    Finally reached my hotel. Vacation starts now. To my partners, messages will be scarce. Once a day if not at all. Sorry but this girl needs some relaxation ?
    I swear Aster and I are the little old ladies you see sitting on a bench that shit talk everyone that walks past. I love it.
    My petty radar has been off the charts for a while now. I'm so proud of myself for holding it all in.
    Scholarships are hell.
    still better than drowning in student loans
    @Aster Very true. I'm still going to be doing that anyway but hey- any scholarship I get is a nice little floaty to help bring me back to shore.
    I never knew I could get so into a show but Stranger Things has had my attention all day.
    Today consisted of watching my neighbor's house burn down. Couldn't get anymore eventful than that
    Oh no! Was everyone okay? :O
    @Phadia Yeah everyone was okay. They use it as a college house so no one was even living in the house at the time
    I thought I replied to everything... I didn't. FUCK.
    I hate when that happens. It also sucks when you think you've followed everyone back and then realize you missed someone. D:
    I've seriously been on a role with posting these past three days. I will pat my own back for this
    What in the world does 'Special Snowflake' mean.
    Salt Lord
    Salt Lord
    As far as I'm aware, it's a term for characters with very uncommon traits and/or backstories who often try to steal the spotlight of the roleplay and shine it onto themselves.
    @Salt Lord Thank you very much for this enlightenment.
    Salt Lord
    Salt Lord
    Happy to help!
    I need a new roleplay with people who will actually post. Someone help me- share an rp. Bring me out of this funk xD
    I literally just finished watching season 1 for that a few days ago. Great story! I'm guessing it's a fandom kind of rp? I've never done it before. Though I'm interested in learning more
    I've finished all the posts I needed to finish on here for once in like two months! CELEBRATION!
    After a long week of working too much, I finally get a day off tomorrow. Posts will most def be up then!
    Today is catch up day. If I don't reply yo you then you have every right to verbally attack me xD
    So after last night I decided to check out Noname's own tracks...omigod thaaaank yooouuu
    She is lit. You've taken it one step past me though since I haven't gotten the chance to listen to her own music
    Anthony Davis
    Anthony Davis
    She's chill with the jazzy/blues vibes with her music. It's nice to listen to.
    I gotta listen to it now then. I need some chill music
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