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  • My neighbor just asked me what high school I'm going to. I'm a senior in college...
    I get the opposite. This one time this guy on an airport tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around, he is pointing at my brother three years younger than me. I think I was 16 or 17 at the time. He tells me "Is that your son?"
    RE: LOK: Why is platinum protected from metalbending? Shouldn't any metal be safe, so long as its refined so theres no earth within it?
    Hall Kervean
    Hall Kervean
    ATLA explained it.
    But I... don't understand that, yeah.
    Headcannon: its just highly refined steel and nobody in ATLA understands metallurgy.
    Hall Kervean
    Hall Kervean
    Alternatively, they didn't have time to make it quality; they were kind of in a wartime economy in, ah, everywhere.
    RE: Northwind (Nightmare Hunter Lore). If a skyscraper sticks out sideways from a cliff (a 'sidescraper') which way do the elevators go?
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