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  • #PushCesaro
    *Even more orks appeared*  WAAAGH!  SMASH DA PUNY BIG HEAD HUMIES! (first rule of Orks, you can't kill all of them.  More will always appear  :P )

    Si, senor.

    Lol, I do have glasses, but they have lenses, since i would not be able to recognize anything/anyone more than three feet away from my face otherwise.  Lol sounds like TNA X2 lol XD.  Oh man, Jay Lethal was there?  That's awesome! :D  Yay JR coming back as commentators (one of the few I actually liked :P )

    Also, stepping away from computer now.  Will reply sporadically until after lunch :P  
    (I know that. I have played WH40K :P)


    Those are fine, and nah much better than TNA. And yeah, he put on a 5 star match(IMO) with El Ligero, was amazing! And yeah I agree, kinda sad WWE released Joey Styles :/

    Okay! Imma go nap anyway

    Yeah I did @Trust Never said you had to stop though :D  
    WAAAGH! ( :P )

    Indeed *twirls mustache*

    Mhmm.  Meh, I think TNA's generally better/more entertaining than WWE and you think the opposite.  We'll just have to agree to disagree I suppose XD.  Yeah, I think big companies alike like to let go of good talent just because they don't want to spend more money/give them more powers, which sucks because Sandow's doing great over in the indie scene (and in TNA, for me at least :P.  Then again though, TNA's always been more partial to ex-WWErs )
    Hey, got a question.  What's Bobby Roode's finisher in WWE?  I don't think they would've let him keep the Roode Bomb since it's pretty much an AA and Cena has that.  So does he have a finishing move and a different finisher for submission as well?

    Also, the more I think about it, the more I believe that heel Bobby is pretty much the male version of Charlotte.  It'll be funny to see their dynamics if and when Roode gets risen to the main roster and then having them banter a bit about how they can't stand each other (since they both have egos the size of planets), but then act exactly the same against a common enemy in a mix tag team rival xD   I think Jericho and Charlotte was pretty good too, but he's got Jeri-KO going on with Kevin and that's wayyy too good to be done away with so quickly :D  
    Lol, alright there you TNA hater xD .  You underestimate just how strong and fast Roode was back during the Fourtune Era ^_^

    Meh, I disagree, though I don't really pay attention to Charlotte much in the first place, so maybe?

    I liked him better back when Nexus first showed up and they had a war.  I guess about KO, just not a fan of him meself :P  I hope they don't break up Jeri-KO after Summerslam.  They've got wayyy too much banter and talent in that team to just waste them like that -_-  
    TNA SUCKS MAN WWE 4 LYFE. JK. Did ya hear that TNA got a new President! Yay no more Dixie! Also, neither are really in their prime, maybe cesaro a bit more since he is about 3 years younger.

    Yeah, trust me, her promos have been meh. And that awful slap to Dana :/  Her ring work has stayed about the same

    Nah, Stupid Idiot, scarf wearing, goatee Jericho is better man. And fair enough >.> And they may have another match with Enzo and Cass after Summerslam but they will most likely break up soon and have an epic feud
    Yeah just got a new president.  Billy's pretty cool, though the main feud there now is him against Lashley.  Fun times.  Yeah it would be a dream match had they met back in 09 or 10.  Both their ground games are out of this world :P

    Fair enough, I'll take your word for it.  I just lament the sheer amount (too much) of make up they throw on Alexa Bliss tbh.  Such a cute girl when there's a little bit-to no make up on her.  Also, don't really get why she's so angry in her persona but I'll just roll with it I guess? *shrug*

    Meh "The only code you broke was the man code, when you came out here wear a scarf and no shirt on!"  Best promo line I've heard this year lolz.  But seriously, I like him better back in the ruthless aggession era, just like I like most things back in the day more.  nnooooo, I want them together and trolling other face teams T_T
    Can I post statuses again? I CAN :D
    Obviously I was being Rhetorical gosh xD  

    Also I was trying to reply to you earlier for like 20 minutes and got mad xD  
    they ask you how you are and you just have to say you’re fine when you’re not really fine

    I don't know what I'm even doing sending you this gif. xD  
    No, but you just have a lot. Some are probably useless
    But I don't have a save file with gifs, I just find them on Google and choose the one I like the most that pops up in the search results. >_> 

    Oh whale. 
    First ones that came to mind are King of the Ring and No Way Out.  Looked up a few to jolt some old memories, and remembered Invasion was great, though it was only one year.  Vengeance and Armageddon were pretty good too, and those were multi year (though not always each year).
    Leeeeeeeetttt'sssss Geeeeeeet Roiiiiiiight Into the Noose! :D
    Pfft, frickin normie.

    Sir, I dyn do anything.


    I'm fast as fucc boiiiiii

    Boi you better run away 
    I don't understand how people are talking about something I said seven minutes ago.

    Pyrosanical likes to go to (insert any group that may or may not applies) convention, and likes getting (insert anything yourt heart deems fit) by a man in a giraffe suit!
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