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  • I really wish there were some great spinebusters in the WWE, aside from Karl Anderson's  :)  
    The Silent Z
    The Silent Z
    Bobby Roode has a decent one. But I agree 
    Yeah he does, was much better in his... GLORY years. Batista and Haitch always had decent ones. But double A had the best(Arn Anderson) I feel like people with the last name Anderson have great Spinebusters.. Like Karl's is almost identical to Arn's... Weird :D
    Gif Profile Picture, complete. Is that an oxymoron? A gif as a picture :o  
    Lord Mitmar
    Lord Mitmar
    Well, a gif is a series of images, you've compiled them into one picture... My head hurts ;~;
    I prefer Smackdown's commentary team to RAW's then again, Smackdown is better :)
    "President Rhyno, how do you explain the cyberattacks on-" *Gets gored.  Rhyno stands back up, fixes his suit*  "Next question?" xD

    Fair enough, I just want them together :x  

    Right?  It's clean and simple, but they work.  I actually would rather Cass wins so that Jeri-KO stays together.  Eh, better Seth then Roman XP.  
    "President Rhyno, as we all know, Mister Putin here does not like the USA-" *Rhyno gores Putin and fixes his suit.* "I don't like Putin."

    Same, same. I really want it.

    Nah, Cass wont win at all, Owens has a good chance, I am just tired of Seth tbh, want some variety... Not just a shield member as the top dog


    Yeah, probably not.  I understand.  The Shield rotation gets tiring after a while, and they won't let Rollins turn face -_-  Shame about Finn, but meh, it's Steph not taking care of her wrestlers again (unlike ultra protective Shane and Daniel XD) 
    I hate ankle socks... Also I dun wanna go to the doctors! HELP >.<
    I agree, sadly I can't wear my long socks or whatever due to my injuries. I cri evertim
    Blaire Wisteria
    Blaire Wisteria
    I hate long socks and ankle sock, they just feel so weird. I have cool socks that stop where the foot does and they make me a somewhat happy camper although I hate socks ad shoes in general. Bare feet all the way!
    Well, Smackdown is definitely better than RAW.
    British slang is my way of life.

    I mean they could take Dolph out of the main event scene and have him challenge Miz for the title.

    Oh yea definitely. There's just some people that are perfect for the heel role.

    Yea true, when I think about it, there's no one that could really help Styles tbh.

    Transfer Titus to Smackdown and reform Slater-gator.
    I've noticed bruv

    Ewww, no thanks, Bray and Miz promos would be great

    Yeah, Jeri-KO and Styles are my favorite heels at the moment! both are great!

    Yeah which is sad, THE REVIVAL WOULD BE GREAT BUT NO xD

    OML no, that would be great but awful too. So no.
    You know who WWE should hire? The guy on Youtube - The AJ Universe. 
    *leaves a box of pyro memes and a jar of hugs*
    You better, I miss guessing the gifs

    And ayyy that was a nice one. 

    *Insert Disappointed dad meme*
    oh stop it

    i genuinely meant that ;-;
    And same, Disappointed dad makes everything better

    Don't fight it, it is true :D

    *Gives you spicy pyro memes for the hug* Danke Babe <3
    Started to watch Skip beat! On episode 3 and I am really enjoying it! So funny
    Blaire Wisteria
    Blaire Wisteria
    *Cries because there'll never be a second season and the second ED is so good.*
    Yeah it is eight years old, rip. Ummm, read the manga? IDK 
    Read the manga! x D
    Did you see RAW? 
    Smackdown already have Nikki, and are using all their female wrestlers unlike RAW. But the fact Roman is back in the main event scene has caused everybody to boo him again, putting him in the mid-card actually got fans behind him and wanted to see him beat Rusev, now he's gone back to the reason fans hated him. I hope Cesaro gets transferred to Smackdown so he can actually be used properly.
    Yeah, even with Nikki Smackdown still really lacks Starpower, and quality. RAW has both quality and quantity while smackdown just has meeeeh. Still, he won't be in the main event scene for long, he'll probably lose the fatal four way and go back to his feud with RuRu, IDK. Personally I don't mind it. Apparently Smackdown is gunna trade Randy Orton for Cesaro and KO, doubt it will happen though. :/  Did you see Cesaro's shoot like interview last night? 
    Yea, tbh I agree with him. He deserves better, literally everybody loves him but WWE insists that he shouldn't win a damn title.
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