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  • When you send an advisor on a 12+ hour mission on DAI and they are the only one that can do a 15 minute one FFS
    The best trigger gif is NFKRZ tbh @purity Wise choice in picking him
    I hate Ethan's omg

    NFKRZ is best meme
    Yes I am alive. Not feeling too well. Catching up on anime too and trying to beat Dragon Age Inquisition again, taking my time though :)
    Darth Gangsta
    Darth Gangsta
    Dragon Age Inquisition . . . I wasted $60 on that game. I really hated that game, you can't play the Witcher 3 then play DA: I without noticing DA's shitty combat. 
    Samoa Joe is the first ever Two Time NXT Champion! Got 4 out of my 5 predictions right! Damn you Joe xD
    AND YOUR NEEEEEEW NXT TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS... #DIY!! 3 for 3 in predictions. Match of The Year so far imo.
    NXT Takeover Toronto Predictions:

    Roode v Dillinger: Roode

    Dusty Classic Final: AOP

    2 out of 3 falls Tag Team Match: DIY

    Asuka v Mickie James: Asuka

    Joe v Shinsuke: Shinsuke
    An End Once and For All is currently one of my favorite songs, always has been really, just getting back into it. The feels
    The Golden Lion
    The Golden Lion
    Lesnar vs Goldberg in two days. You like the Teddy Long memes?
    Does anyone actually like Solas in Dragon Age Inquisition?

    Also, now I wanna play DA:O
    The Silent Z
    The Silent Z
    Meh.... I could take him or leave him. He's alright but not my favorite companion or even top three in that game. Kinda like Cole for me. 

    Also any time is a good time to DA: O still the best in the series imo. 
    I thought he was ok but you should play DA: O love that game
    I have all the Dragon Age Games. Might replay DA:O. Kinda sucks it is on my Xbox 360 though xD

    Not gonna lie.  This is actually a pretty cool finisher.

    I believe there is an alternate where you grab a girl by her breasts and suplex her xD Wrestling is so weird sometimes.
    Oh yeah, but then again, everything gets a bit weirder when you take it to japan.  I still remember the Danshoku Driver  xD  

    That move is bloody brilliant! Japan you weird and creative bastards!
    Just beat the Mass Effect series for the like billionth time. It always gets to me. Good Stuff. Now for Dragon Age!
    Here is a good question: Which game has a better cast of companions; Mass Effect 2 or Dragon Age Inquisition?
    The Silent Z
    The Silent Z
    Checked out some gear from Bioware store just to see what it all looks like and options.... Awesome stuff. Especially the grey wardens hoodie/coat and N7 Leather jacket
    The Grey Wardens Hoodie and N7 Leather Jacket are like what I want. I want Joker's cap too. If only they sold that... :/
    The Silent Z
    The Silent Z
    Yeah those two are awesome. They've got some nice stuff.... Nothing character wise for what I was looking for, but awesome none the less. Just too expensive for me right now. 

    Joker? Pssh it's the riddler man! .... Oh wait forgot about ol joker in ME. It really has been too long. xD  They did have a Talo shirt though, didn't see a Joker cap or any cap really. 
    I don't dislike a single companion from the mass effect series... I was trying to see who I dislike, but I like them all. :/
    i mean i don't dislike any of them but my least favourites have got to be edi and james.
    Yeah, lotta people say James is their least favorite. I think it is mostly because he is brand new and we don't get much of him. Meanwhile, the voice actor for james also voice acted one of my favorite characters in gaming; The Iron Bull.

    I would say Jacob and EDI are my least favorite. @Lexify
    You know something?  I'm a lot more comfortable with the Miz defending SD's IC title at Survivor Series than Ziggler against Sami Zayn tbh, so him winning the title last night is somewhat of a comfort to me. :/  
    I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite store on the Citadel.
    The Golden Lion
    The Golden Lion
    Goldberg the master of the Spear. Edge was good but not as vicious as Goldberg's. I concur on Lesnar's health. 
    Goldberg has a great spear, but if we are talking about real masters of the spear, you gotta go with Rhyno. A gore is so much more brutal than some other spears *Cough* Reigns *Cough* I always loved Edge's spear though. Spear are great in general.
    The Golden Lion
    The Golden Lion
    Yeah that's true Gore is yeahh wins
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