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  • Rest in Peace Erik Bauersfeld, the voice of Admiral Ackbar, passed away at the age of 93. IT'S NOT A TRAP!
    3 minutes into Joker Game, already loving it. Secret Contender for anime of the Season? Nah, Re:Zero might have that title...
    #PushCesaro #PushRyder #GetReignsOuttaHere @#Sawft @Illusive :P
    Corey is a great heel announcer, really good partnership with Tom philips. And HBK would be too crazy for cesaro. And I just don't like Reigns at all, I might like him as a heel but still, I don't really want him in WWE anymore
    He needs to be the muscle of an over group in order to get the fans back on his side again honestly. I don't see Reigns leaving WWE considering how much Vince likes him, though I mean if Shane takes over, and can get Reigns in a stable that's a great heel or even face, then there could be some salvage.
    As for Corey, I'll stick by HBK until I get to know him better, though I don't see that unless he leaves NXT or something.
    Man I loved that either AJ or Cesaro could've won the #1 contender match. Styles > Talking Reigns. Also I hope Cesaro gets a push for a title soon (US title maybe?)
    Also, New Day doesn't do much for me. They're better jobbers and punching bags imo, but I know a lot of people wouldn't agree with me. I do like them in UpUpDownDown though, that channel's hilarious, especially when Seth's on it. :)
    I prefer the New Day to any other Stable at the moment. They are hilarious and entertain everyone, I mean they make PG jokes that are secretly Attitude era comedy, everyone wins. I think they could all be mid-carders by themselves, but they are at the top because they are given a whole lot of freedom with their stable.

    UpUpDownDown is great, Tyler Breeze gets screen time there too!!!
    Well, I mean, considering every other stable's pretty much just a bunch of jobbers at the moment, there's really not much competition...

    Also yes, though I have to say I like Seth a lot more than Tyler, so if they make a series of just Seth talking like "shooting the breeze" I would totally watch that all the time. Also, I refuse to call Xavier Woods anything else except for Xavier Woods, though Kofe can be 24/7 :)
    It doesn't matter if he lost, Cesaro has returned!
    S-A-W-F-T. I dun like Baron Corbin but hey, whatevs. Apollo is always fun to watch. Still no Bailey. ;-;

    CESARO Though. And AJ as No. 1 Contender is pretty good.
    I hate Baron Corbin, couldn't care less that he has a future in WWE. But Apollo I like, he has everything ^^

    Since I like Reigns, I'm glad he won the Championship but I can imagine AJ Styles coming out with it and it looks amazing.

    And maybe Natalya is getting a push since she confronted Charlotte?
    Baron is so boring. Apollo is so fun to watch!... What if he joined the new day :P xD

    Yeah, I wanted either AJ or Cesaro to win the fatal four way, and I don't mind if AJ Wins the title.


    ANywho, off to school, bye.
    Ugggh, school. Someone save me...
    Wake me up, wake me up inside, can't wake up, wake me up inside, save me!
    Only if I myself can be saved from this hell T-T
    Uh yay!? Not really sure who that is since i don't watch wrestling
    Ace Attorney Anime was pretty good, gunna watch it this season. I wanna play the games now...
    I totally Forgot... Boku no Hero Academia starts today... I need to read that manga too
    Officially died of boredom. RIP me
    Haha, someone noticed my pun! You've been spending too much time with Illusive...
    Salt Lord
    Salt Lord
    It's funny because I'm 4 pages into a PM with her that was started yesterday, the only reason we aren't further being her need for sleep and timezones
    He... She... I am still confused on what to call him/her sometimes xD She is awesome, me and her have about 10 or so pages of conversation about drawing alone. :3 And yeah, she lives in the UK which sucks...
    Ohh, imagine this match: 9 man three way war, no DQ, no count out: Rollins, Ambrose and Cena vs Styles, Reigns and Orton vs Hunter and the Dudley Boys.
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