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  • I don't mean to nag, but how long till you're ready to roleplay in the TG RP?  :)
    Eh? You mean Henry? Are you quitting or not going to finish him?
    No, but by what you said before you were planning on kicking me or Henry out
    No, I'm not. I meant have Akuma leave the area he's in right now. xD
    Just realized I hadn't followed you back, so here you go; one more follower to add to your collection. :P  
    And what I mean by following back is because I had previously followed you before the update~
    I see.

    thanks! :)
    Dude, i know you wanted me to bark in my comment on your plot thread, but i dont feel comfortable doing that. Its humiliating. Even more so, when i remember that my profile picture was a wolf girl till yesterday...
    excited? *puppy eyes*
    The Fluffiest Floof
    The Fluffiest Floof
    Excited. Because the thought of making a whole world and plot and everything always excites me, even more so if i could get someone to do it with AND THEN play a roleplay in my world without having to explain everything, because my partner developed it with me.
    yay! :) ;) :) xD :)  
    TMW you keep looking around to get people to even read through your search thread, but everyone either makes up excuses or flat out rejects it right away... 

    QQ :(  *cries* 
    Broader demographic as in the type of audience your RP is aimed at. Getting people to take a bite at your RP is important.
    call me rae
    I wouldn't think of it as rejection though. I think your inadvertently setting yourself up for frustration. Just the same way you might not be interested if I asked you - Hey Idea you wanna roleplay a superhero family roleplay?

    Just because people say doesn't mean it's a rejection. It could be a wide array of issues starting with time management and ending with just they're not into that particular idea. 

    Like in your opening you say people make up excuses - that's coming across a bit like your thinking they aren't giving you a fair shake. When it could simple be they aren't interested but don't know how to say that without hurting your feelings. 

    So if no one is biting right now I'd sit back and say - well do I really want to do these ideas right now? Is there something else I could be doing to pass the time and wait for someone to come to me?
     @[40988:@Faceless] O know what the strict meaning of it is, I was asking how you proposed I did that.

    @nerdyfangirl I may not have made this clear, but while yes it's a little frustrating, I am not taking this personally. When I said "rejection " I was going for the strict meaning: they said "no". I don't take offense or begrudge anyone for that, not do I take it as a personal attack. 

    Regarding the making excuses, in that one I do feel like I am not being given a fair share. However, as before , I don't take this as a personal attack. The excuse I referred to was "I'll read it tomorrow, I need to sleep", which I got from five people in different time zones from one another (most of them), and given silence never actually happened, only came across as a halfhearted excuse to say, "I don't wanna read it". In fairness, it is a preeeety long search thread, so I don't have anything against people for not wanting to read it, but I can't help but be annoyed at the realization that the size is having such a major influence with a lack of regards to content.
    Journey log:

    today I...

    went into a cab, traffic. Went into a plane, everything short of the actual plane broke. Went into a subway, it was halted by another train for 20 minutes.

    Went to the national history museum. Found out they have a bug section. So THAT's how I look on the outside...

    went to an MandM store..I hate almonds.
    Well, I'm off to London! Wish me luck!
    Karate Cat
    Karate Cat
    Bring us back gifts. Or scones
    Good luck!
    I'll bring back the queen.

    *mission impossible theme song on the background*
    Well, I'm at the airport now, about to start the out of my country part of my vacation. Sorry to everyone to whom I STILL haven't gotten back to. August has proven to hate me and my plans...*sighs* as does my whole life. 

    On an unrelated note, good morning RPN!
    Well, it took forever by I finally managed to somewhat restore my search thread. Go take a look, it´s on the forums now!

    #shameless advertizing
    can somebody tell how accordions work? They´re just not with me for some reason....
    >: meant the RPN accordions
    Oh my lord I am embarrassed.

    Well, at least you know more.

    "and knowing is half the battle."
    the other half is getting this would-be-replacement to work in less than two days...
    Looking for someone who is knowledgeable about music types! (Not for roleplaying purposes)
    Depends on what knowledge you seek.
    Genres, types of compositions there are, and general lore about their original meaning or intent.
    Ok, WTF is going on, why am I suddenly unable to add subforums to my roleplays?
    TMW you realize you pratically didn't start any of your RP threads and so you can't boot them back up yourself
    Thanks. No worries, I just have to get in touch with a couple people again. And pray they didn't change names...
    If you can find the threads, the users' current names will be the ones displaying there.  When you change your name, it changes sitewide. :)
    I know, I know, but thanks nonetheless.
    I just woke up covered in blood like some serial killer. I am not sleep walking am I?
    0_0 sorry about that
    sorry if my comment sounded like I was insulting you it was not my intention. :/
    I know it wasn't your intention, it just seemed like you mistook me for a new player and I thought I should clear the misunderstanding.
    Ok, I am genuinely angry now. I understand that updating the site is a heck lot of work as I respect the staff for doing all they can to improve our experience. But when you screw up, there is a certain net that must be kept for safety. And RPN cut it. I don't know who's brilliant idea it was, but the fact all of the shade of a fraction they kept from the potential of the BBcode so far isn't even bloody available at all on phone. Like... Rrrrr... I can't even put this straight it's so frustrating because I, like the rest of the country and I suspect, the continent I live in, am midsummer. That means summer vacation for pretty much everyone in this continent. The fact I'm on phone should not be a reason for discrimination. But seeing what I just typed, I'll stop here, I'm clearly not thinking clearly.
    Agree w ya bro but then again what can we do.. for now all we can is to follow what they throw on us in le face
    Taking them out will still take time and hurt. As will the fact that I actually needed this time to set stuff because I'll be going to some four different countries a week from now. And think of everyone who is getting trampled just because they used to put more work through BBcode into things or everyone who is getting a handicap versus everyone else simply because nobody bothered adding the SAME stuff they put on the PC.
    Yeah, pretty much. All I can do is take a pacifier and try to bear it (continuing with the metaphor)
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