Gummy Worm

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    Quick announcement but i have to state that after today I will be going on vacation for about two weeks. I'm sorry for any inconvenience; I will return!!!
    ⠀.*-" we live
    we love
    we lie "-*.
    Hello everyone. Its been a while now I understand I have a lot I need to explain, About a month ago I Ended up not being able to come back on and for a while I had become insanely depressed that by the time I could come back I didn't even care about re-joining. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, and I did things to myself that I will not go into detail about. but after giving myself a while to fix my mental state I can now officially state that Im back! with a new name and a new thirst for roleplay. I apologize to all the people I ghoasted if you want a better explanation then feel free to DM me

    Hi there~ I was browsing your interest check and find your pfp cute! (Maybe now I gotta watch The House, hope it is at least a fraction as enjoyable as Fantastic Mr. Fox). The profile posts are absolutely great X'D, made me laugh out loud as a fellow furry boykisser. ('・ω・') (Loool nothing more poetic than grown ass man crying over Bluey, omg that show...)
    Gummy Worm
    Gummy Worm
    Heya!! So sorry I didn't respond I just now saw it! And the House is SO good hehe but you gotta have patience with the story. Would you like to Dm?
    𝕠𝕨𝕠 𝕆𝕨𝕆 𝔬𝔴𝔬 𝖔𝖜𝖔 𝓞𝔀𝓞 𝒪𝓌𝒪 𝐨𝐰𝐨 𝐎𝐰𝐎 𝘰𝘸𝘰 𝙤𝙬𝙤 𝙊𝙬𝙊 𝚘𝚠𝚘 σωσ OɯO oʍo oᗯo ๏w๏ o̲wo̲ ᎧᏇᎧ օաօ OwO Owo owO ÓwÓ ÕwÕ @w@ ØwØ øwø uwu ☆w☆ ✧w✧ ♥w♥ ゜w゜ ◕w◕ ᅌwᅌ ◔w◔ ʘwʘ ⓪w⓪ ︠ʘw ︠ʘ (owo)
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