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  • I will never understand how characters that have had barely any screen time can have more fan art than most others who show up constantly.
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    Maybe some people feel they need tons of love, if they don't get a lot of screen time then that means they don't get as much love as the main characters
    Yep, ships all right. As they say, galleons are more rarer than, eh, fishing boats — but, even then, people respect galleons and, eh, fishing boats are just wooden fodder.
    Tanya Degurechaff
    Tanya Degurechaff
    Because people see enough of the main characters, so the minor characters get the fanart because people want to see more of them.
    Why am I loitering in the forum games when I should be working on RP related stuff?
    to be fair, sano sauro, you are also quite found of threads on religion. Like me :)
    Hall Kervean
    Hall Kervean
    I guess I should clarify: I'm on the discussion threads. I can be found on most of them, most of the time.
    Procrastination is the bane of my existence I swear...*Goes back to playing forum games*
    Idea Idea

    I've noticed that you spend a lot of times on discussion forums. If I'm coming back to them that means I must like talking to you a little.
    Hall Kervean Hall Kervean
    Is checking your notifications every few minutes a bit too spastic?
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    Depends how often do you get notifs to warrant a constant check
    The Saviour of the Masses
    The Saviour of the Masses
    That sounds completely reasonable and something that I do as well
    Hall Kervean
    Hall Kervean
    That's way too sporadic. You need to keep up with your updates, yeesh. Just refresh the page as fast as you can like I do.
    Sometimes I feel awkward when I send a PM because I'm not completely sure what to write in it.
    I feel bad for the people who had waited for the second season of AOT. Only 12 episodes, what a shame...
    Anime can make anything look good including, but not limited to: Countries, Monsters, History/Legend Figures, Gods, and much more.
    I keep getting my butt handed to me by Peacock on Skullgirls even though I'm playing as her on the game. I need serious help.
    You ever feel like you suddenly suck at writing? Yeah, that's how I feel right now.
    Dude, trust me, you don't. Everybody goes through writing identity crises, and everybody's good for the most part. You wanna know what? Donald Trump, the President of The U.S., speaks at a third grade level. You can easily write more eloquently and with better diction than the POTUS. That says something, right?
    *Has a strong urge to change avatar again* Kira...Don't do this...It hasn't even been a day yet...
    we both change avatars so often we could pratically sincronize the swap
    I leave now.
    You got two Kiras to switch to, in my opinion.
    Is it still a trap if the guy takes/can take the form of a actual woman?
    A trap is a guy who dresses up as a girl. Its cross dressing
    Nope. Also shapeshifters are probably genderless or...I've always though so anyway.

    Yeah, I know that but what I'm asking is if a male that has the ability to become female temporarily is still a trap even though their body is completely female. Mentally they're still a guy so...

    Think Kampfer or even Steins Gate.
    Hmm...I'd have to say if the gender (ie what they identify as, not necessarily what's between their legs) is male and they intend to deceive for a sexual reason (or deceive sexually for a non-sexual reason) then yeah, they count as a trap. But that's just my 0.02.
    I want to change my avatar but at the same time I don't...Tet or some other character? I can't decide.
    Yep. The expression on this one is much better, don't you agree?
    Beats me
    Oh, well then. I'll probably change back to Tet soon though since he fits more for the ''Ruler of Cartoons'' and I kind of have his picture down for a application of myself anyway so...
    Is Hamilton good? I've been hearing about it and I've seen some roleplays for it but I'm not exactly sure what it's about.
    Count Gensokyo
    Count Gensokyo
    I haven't seen it either, but I heard it was just an OK to good musical. You'd have to look into it yourself.
    I think it is good, but it depends on what you like in a musical.
    Trying to add borders with BBcode is amazingly difficult.
    What's the problem, Kira? The King of Memes, who is also a BBCoder comes to your aid.
    Well, King of Memes the problem is that no matter what I do the border's style and color won't change. It's there but it's just a plain grey box around my content and I have no idea how to get it to work properly.
    I will send you a pm with how it should be written.
    People keep saying my avatar looks like a lit shady drug dealer and I'm dying of laughter right now.
    He looks like the kind of guy that would approach me when I was 10 and offer me candy, in spite of my grandmother always telling me to never take things from strangers.
    My friend is terrible. They made me read ''To You, The Immortal'' and I'm tearing up on the first chapter. It's way too early for feels.
    Boku No Hero Academia Season 2 will be coming out this Spring...I'm looking forward to it.
    likewise, very excited. A pity that we probably won´t get to see all for one in it yet, though.
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