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  • Well, thanks (: I'm trying. It's a lot of activity on it xD I'm just trying to get them interacting with other characters
    Ok Gabe, if you dont mind being called such, you are accepted minus the fact that you adapt to bullets. That would take a long time as it would be natural adaption and evolution and that takes hundred if not thousands of years. Besides such you are fine and accepted. Nice touch on the whole animal thing by the way. Also i like the whole war involvement thing and the doctorate degrees. Nice touches as it seems like something an immortal might do when bored.
    Yeah i got it. Sorry just finishing up some homework before doing anything on here. I just normally come here to chat in the shoutbox while i work.
    Okay, so I was thinking we might want to come up with our own family tree for the gods and all. We don't have to do all of them, just the ones that we play or will be important in the RP. Let me know what you think and I can start on it.
    Okay (: we can start tomorrow then! I will try and get on. I have to study for an exam but I'll try!
    I'm going to start the 1x1 RP soon. I don't wanna go too far with the Harry Potter one because there are some people who haven't posted once yet. I'll let you know when the thread is up
    Swyft posted on Pharmas if you want to post there :P We can start the 1x1 soon (:
    Which compartment did he go into :P? Just a random one or one with the other characters?
    Yeah, we can wait. We can't move forward at this point without him so :P We shall wait
    I'll make sure. i've been writing my post for Infamous, among other things. Mom kicked me from the computer this weekend till i got my essays for college done this weekend. I got them done, but I'm not at home at the moment, so I shall get on this later tonight.
    I did. I thought I responded but I must have forgot to send it x) It's fine with me (: Hopefully he replies
    I won't wait indefinitely. I think I'll give him until tomorrow, probably the afternoon.
    I think I'll wait until Swyft can post next and then I'll introduce them all. I have my characters interacting with his at the moment so I need him to respon but after that we can introduce everyone.
    I replied as well :P I am way too excited haha. I am quite happy with this RP so far.
    Hey (: I figured we could develop Cara and Cyrus' relationship before the other characters are introduced to them so if you want to post, go for it (:
    Congrats on winning first place! That's amazing! And I loved his introduction! Very good (: I'm going to give Swyft some time to reply and then I'll post her reaction. Also, I don't mind at all :P I hadn't thought too much on how old the race would be so whatever helps his background (:
    Thanks for posting your character (: go ahead and post in the RP thread and we can resume the story.
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