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  • *points to your blog* It won't let me post there! >.< So in responce to your blog: Your words have life to them. That's why you can write about absolutely nothing and every sentence can still be enjoyable to read. Phenomenal trait to have as a writer. Major kudos. *applauds* I feel like all I would have to do is give you the word 'sandwich' and you could produce a story. Do I smell a "Challange Accepted!" coming on? *winks* Feel free to prove me right.
    I forgot to mention in the PM's I sent you (broken into parts because of the character limit of 5k on PM's), but I'll be looking for the revision by around 9PM EST; if it isn't live by then, I will simply redo the post myself.
    So, in my IF RP I'm making your character the leader of the dragon toon. I know he was in command school but we'll just say that the group is a promising one and they need an experienced leader. Is this alright with you?
    Earlier you had asked for the role of Sorcerer in my Elder World rp and said you would pm me the Skelly yet I have not received it yet. I was wondering if you wanted the role because I now have someone else who wants the role and if you do not get back to me soo (I have already sent you a pm) I will have to give him the position... I'm sorry if I sound mean >_
    Hey, I want to know if my updated version of Wayne is accepted in IPAD? I just tweaked him a tad, as he isn't in the RP yet.
    Hey. I give you executive authority over Wroth until i am back. Save our 1x1 until then. I dont know what you want to do, maybe make it so the one everyone thought was the real one was a clone and that clone was making more clones. And that Wroth was off on a mission or something. Just keep him in his wind state and away from the academy so when i get back we could have our 1x1 Ok?
    he remains a jerk for awhile, snapping at and pushing away the main character for a good portion of the story. when you rp on this site most people will go to interact with the niocer character. kinda like Erica and Kai in Stars Mirror. Faith gladly interacted because i saw Xander struggle the same way my character did. anyway, your character could be new, or could be someone who has been in the sanme school system but never talked to my charcter before. personality is totally up to you, but i would like for my charcter to be the sarcastic, intellegent studious yet cold and lonewly character ive been experimented with. ive done it with my male already which is why i wanted to try a girl.

    if this was hard to read thats cause its 2am and im bhopped up on caffeine and m,y hands are working faster then my brain. and this post is in two parts because of the character limit on posts
    well, Sola is an experimental character for me, as i usually use any of my 7 pre-set characters. Sola is not her official name, and in Clover Tea she has already diverged from the path i wanted her to take(which happens with new characters if the other RPers do not respond the way i would like.) so i would like to use her in her true light, which would be someone who had one close friend who moved away(he wont come back unless i want to use him to create tension between her and another character, like a love triangle or something.) she isnt a people person and has a short temper for people who act stupid. she has cold sarcastic remarks and people tend to stay away from her. i have a male charcter like this, but he always gets soft because other characters wont talk to him otherwise. he is a total jerk, and in his story(my pre-sets all end up in my stories that i write)
    and yes, i was thinking starting with one each, although i may feel like adding one later to create tension. i like crazy love triangles and heart break and healing, even if a character is too stupid to see someone helping them till wayyy late dramaaaaaaaa
    sorry, i was just on my phone a bit ago and ive been having problems with it, i used to be able to rp from my phone without problems, but its internet capabilities have gone severely downhill.
    Well Sola is a "she". Anyway, your character isn't a people right? You could just have him decide not to go to the cafeteria and meet her outaide? She wouldn't really be the type to forget anything. And about the 1x1 idea, you will have to pm me again, cuz when I got it there wasn't room for itt in my inbox therefcor it disapeared.
    Well Sola is a "she". Anyway, your character isn't a people right? You could just have him decide not to go to the cafeteria and meet her outaide? She wouldn't really be the type to forget anything. And about the 1x1 idea, you will have to pm me again, cuz when I got it there wasn't room for itt in my inbox therefcor it disapeared.
    Ah, I remember now. And cool, Emma will be a G Class one day. She doesn't have Darien's prodigal skills because she had to work so many years on control and development, but I think that if they have a really heavy arc both emotionally and physically traumatizing, I'll work her skills more towards it.
    Just posted. Also who is mr g?

    And on a side note, I am officially on winter break. However I am training to be a lifeguard, and I have a lot of lessons online--like almost ten hours worth, and Fridays and Saturday's I'm in the Y all day swimming and taking the classroom stuff. So between that I might be on less.
    Oh my goodness, I can't believe I only just saw this. I need to work on multi-tasking ToT But yay the threat is away from my character! For now >.>
    And thank you! I thought just daggers and plants would be a bit weak, so I upgraded, so to speak XD
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