• friendidos and i are having way too much fun filling out this CS LOL

    someone once asked me what my handwriting looked like

    *looks at your handwriting*
    *looks at my chicken scratch*


    Teach me plz
    : o
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    That's handwriting? So stabbing the paper with a pencil isnt considered writing?
    in my casual coding shop 

    me: i don't want to work on gfx made by someone else unless I like their work

    person: that shouldn't be a problem bec i made it

    me: (but i hate your work) /internal screaming
    (psst psa folks any creation, whether it's art, some code or writing, is stolen, it's a form of intellectual theft and the creator has every right to be upset)
    Good luck and gg america.
    ^ Pretty much.
    Count Gensokyo
    Count Gensokyo
    I keep seeing people bag on Trump. Given that internet is lib to the nax, that makes sense. I'm not even a big Trump fan, but Hillary has intentionally gotten innocents killed. She also claims to be about women's rights, yet she knowingly and ironically accepts money from countries in the Middle East where women are treated like objects and property.

    Trump may be, well, Trump, but Hillary is straight-up evil in my eyes, and I can't vote for that.
    Count Gensokyo
    Count Gensokyo
    I keep seeing people bag on Trump. I'm not even a big Trump fan, but Hillary has intentionally gotten innocents killed. She also claims to be about women's rights, yet she knowingly and ironically accepts money from countries in the Middle East where women are treated like objects and property. Trump may be, well, Trump, but Hillary is straight-up evil in my eyes, and I can't vote for that,
    you know you're tired when your code messed up because you forgot about the initial text-align you set on the div....
    I've been a social sciences (anthropology) major and an art (digital design) major. Next is computer science; why can't I make up my mind :'D
    decided to finish my game of alpha sapphire where i had a running trend of naming all my pokemon after utaite.

    almost have box 2 filled and i still haven't had a repeat..... jesus fuck I need help

    as expected of mono!

    I kept naming my pokemon after desserts but ended up stopping because it made me hungry...
    i know at least 60 unique utaite oh god

    that sounds like a terrible idea at least when I name utaite it's free to listen to them
    typical day in mono's life:

    messing around on ps whilst fangirling over utaite in the bg

    i love araki and megater zero 

    friend: /looks through my psd files
    friend: what is wrong with you why do you have so many psds AND WHY IS EVERYTHING ORGANIZED TO WITHIN AN INCH OF ITS LIFE
    stares at photoshop for thirty years
    lmao yeeep it's a legit thing. when i was a kid i didn't see my parents until it was 8 at night and they'd be gone by the time i woke up l o l

    this was how I got into baking:

    me: dad i wanna try baking
    dad: /enrolls in baking class
    me: dad i want an oven
    dad: /buys a four tray oven
    me: dad I think I need a bit more room for baking
    dad: /proceeds to renovate kitchen
    A Murder Of Corviknight
    A Murder Of Corviknight
    ....So who's the one with no impulse control. >-> Your dad or you? ...Both? pffft
    i get it from my dad tbh i take after him in a lot of ways L O L

    we don't spend money frequently and tend to be tightwads... but when it comes to stuff we're willing to devote time to we tend to blow everything
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