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  • Ticci Toby Rogers
    Ticci Toby Rogers
    If he called you anything but one of his children, then it's the devil praying on your weaknesses! The lords voice is small but powerful, and he loves all of us! So long as you accept Jesus as your lord and savour, your sins will be washed white as snow! It's a free gift that is offered to everyone, so long as they are still living!
    Artie... I've got too many to forgive... I left her... I left my baby... She's dead. Dead because of my selfishness.
    Ticci Toby Rogers
    Ticci Toby Rogers
    No, Echo! You can never have too many! Saul was prosecuting people! He was hunting down God's people, and Killing them! He'd killed thousands of people, and still when the glory of God shone around him, he was forgiven of his sins, and became a changed man! It doesn't matter what you've done! It's a free gift, and all you have to do is accept the eternal love of God, and take it! 

    "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him, shall not parish but have everlasting life." 

    John 3:16

    That means you Echo! That means anyone! All are welcome! Though it's your choice, God doesn't look at anything but are you a saint or a sinner, and if you've been washed in the blood of the lamb, if you admit Jesus is Lord, an believe he died, and rose again for your sins, and confess that you are a sinner, and are in need of his forgiveness, then God will only see a saint, and you shall be permitted to eternity! This is a free gift! This is the chance to be with the god who spoke the world into existence, for all eternity! This is how to be with the very God who created us to have a relationship with him! There is no limit! This is Devine forgiveness! This is the power of the Holy Spirit that will live in you! This is the power of Jesus Christ, who died for our sins, and rose again on the third day having conquered death, and the Devil himself! This is the power of the Lord our God who has spoken worlds into existence!  This is the chance to join the winning side of a war that's already been won! This is the Gift of Eternal life! It's the best gift ever given! And it's available to everyone, including you!
    Back to School tomorrow.... Great. Oh well, I have friends there.

    Anyway, goodnight all!

    View attachment 178433
    *is busy wondering what it would be like to have an actual alpacapillar*
    You know, I really hate it when someone calls your characters stupid, childish, and ungrateful, then goes and makes their characters exactly the same...
    ur character is stupid and childish

    my cs:



    Species: ur mum ahahahhahaaaaaa


    I was trying to be funny and most likely failed like the piece of shit I am.
    My character usually goes like this... If it's the one I occasionally use.

    Name: Astraea Conover

    Gender: Female

    Species: Human

    Age: 6

    Then they call her an ungrateful brat and do the same thing  I did with her...
    Numb... That's all I can feel.

    She's really gone. My baby is gone.
    c'mon, echo

    i know it seems like an insult and it'll be horrible to do so, but you have to move on

    you have to, okay?

    just keep on keepin' on

    don't forget, just accept the fact she's gone

    flicker wouldn't want you to die, too

    she'd want you to keep living and just remember her

    depression is the step right before acceptance
    Aww...I'm so sorry for your loss, I can relate to losing a pet but I don't think I can really understand the bond you had with your guinea pig, after five years. I know you seem really unmotivated right now to do anything and it's okay to be upset, I guess it's a way to make yourself feel better in the long run :(

    But remember this, you two had five years together, five years of memories to love and remember, how you watched each other grow. And you love your pet which is what counts right now, while your pet may not be forever, the love you feel for them is forever, and she'll always have a special place in your heart. ;-; 

    If you ever wanna talk I'm here, I mean for anything in general. <3 

    ( I did an emotional while writing this... :'( 
    I love you Echo we all do and we all wish you the best. We all hope that you'll be ok. I know how you feel and I hope you can recover from this. I know you know this but if you wanna talk 1x1 we are all available 
    The depression on this song suits my mood.
    I'm here for you darling
    Her name was Flicker. Flicker Butter Alexander... We got her when she was maybe five weeks old. I didn't know I was getting them actually for Christmas, I knew I'd get them, but I thought it would be after. She has a sister named Whiskers. I spent years just petting and talking to them. She was my best friend. After about a year, she figured out how to get my attention. My little Flicky began to chew on my shirt to try and make me move faster. Without it, it feels lonely. After another year, she would simply sit on my arm instead of trying to run away. Apparently, the vet had never seen a pet so devoted. I went off to school at the end of August... That was the worst choice I made. She had been sick over the summer. We had to force feed her to try and save her. I only left because the vet said she'd be alright. I-I really thought I'd see her again. We had boarded her for a week, so my last memory of her is the box disappearing behind the door. She didn't want me to leave. My little baby tried to crawl onto my arm. She tried to tell me that she needed me. I didn't listen. I was called out of last period class on the last day of August. "We need to talk to you about Flicker." Maybe she was just sick again. Maybe she broke a bone. I couldn't hear that. "She's gone." My baby had needed me and I was gone. My baby Flicker... She's gone.
    Don't you worry Echo I had a (Slightly) similar experience with a fish named Dobie. My GF at the time got him for christmas and loved that little fish so much. She talked to him and just all around made him apart of the family. Then the summer came and she had to go to California for a few months to see her sister so Dobie was left in my care. For a long while I did everything I could to take care of him. I knew how much he meant to her and through that he meant just as much to me. That summer I had lived for about a month with my Gmaw then with my cousin and back and fourth for a good while. He was ok for most of it sense I made him priority number one until one day I woke up and he didn't. He couldn't take the stress of moving that much. I had to deliver the news to her and she cried a lot which made me cry too. I had unintentionally killed my Gf's little baby Dobie. It hurt for a very long time afterwards.

    All in all Echo I know what your going through and it may just be the fact that I am not a very emotional person on the inside but even still I feel for you.

    You were not selfish in going to school because even though I do not know Flicker I can tell from your story that she had all the love in the world for you.  Going to school makes you learn and grow as a person which in the end betters you and makes you stronger. I know Flicker loved you dearly and in my mind I do believe she would have wanted you to better yourself and become stronger. I know loss Echo and I can never tell you how sorry I am. Even though I don't know if you can or even want to grasp this right now but don't worry. I know it is hard right now I know but things will turn up.

    The fact that a random stranger on the internet cares for you this much to tell you about his own experiences and to offer any kind of help proves it even further. I know things are hard Echo but in time things will be better.
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