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  • Oh my gosh! Dx I'm so sorry for the message that I had sent you. I thought you were my friend, SirDerpington of whom I call Rapid. Please excuse my 'odd' message for your, Sky High RP. :< 

    S'okay! I don't think I even got it! Besides, I understand. I tend to do that a lot
    Today I fell asleep in English... They thought I might have been under the influence, so I had to tell them that the doctors think I have a sleep disorder... XD
    They almost had me drug tested!
    *Holds shammy* yes you can shammy!!! *sets him down on the couch* NOW BECOME ONE WITH THE COUCH!!!!
    *Rolls around on couch*  Weee!!!
    YES SHAMMY YES!!!!!! Your training starts tomorrow because I'm to lazy to do it today and that's also your first lesson!!!!! NYHEHEH!!!!!
    Dear mother, if you read this, know that YES I am saying these things.

    Fuck you! Just because I'm not as old as you doesn't mean I'm not mature! It's your own fault I'm this way, so get over it bitch! You can't keep me locked out of your 'meeting'. I'll barge in anyway. Slap me, yell at me, take away my internet and mobile data, it doesn't make a damn difference. Once again, Fuck you you sick bastard!
    Yes to Quill, and to @Yappi, I will tell you that my mother is awful. Her emotions flip on a dime, and she is cruel and impulsive. She has taken away my daughters (Guinea pigs) and placed them in a basement with mice and rats there. Luckily, they were fine. If they were not, I would not be here, and neither would my mother. I would kill to protect my babies, so my own mother had better watch out. She makes decision based on her wild emotions rather than logic. Which isn't much better than my father. If she had really locked my girls up, she would have rather melted the key than admit wrongdoing.  She refuses to admit anything she does not like about herself, and demands whatever she desires. If she wants me to take a walk, she will forcibly shove me out the door (Even dressed in only a towel) and lock the doors and windows. She wouldn't let me in until my dad threatened her. 

    That's the thing about my dad, he's rather intelligent, but he has no idea of any emotional struggles. I can never relate to him, and he's always calculating. Every time I try to show him something, he just shrugs it off and tells me how he knew about that before he was my age. What's worse, now, he won't stand for anything I say. If mom chose to beat me to near death, he wouldn't stop her... No, he may say a few things, but other than that nothing. That has never happened, but less severe cases have occurred.
    That sounds pretty... strange. I have no reply. Im sorry but im wierded out.
    Wow, that's a difficult life to live. And I can relate. Not by the events, but the impact. I went through some pretty tough times in my life. Nobody to go to because of my lack of friends...

    Jus remember that there are people who you can talk to, and will do anything they can to help.
    *Someone popular sneezes* Everyone: OH MY GOD! POOR BABY! ARE YOU OKAY!?

    *Me tries to ask for help and support* Everyone: *Ignores everything*
    I can say yeah it's true especially if a big deal is made out of it. Bonus points when their solution is literally "Don't cry!" and "It's not a big deal!"

    But look on the bright side there's whenever you need something on RPN we is all here!
    Yaaaaaay... I wrote a blog, but only my brother saw... And only because I gave him a confession to what I never told him.... I guess Ackero is gonna use that too... God I hate him...
    Yeah, school can be... rough.  I had a pretty poor time in last year of high school myself.  You do have people though (here).  Please remember that.  *Squeezes in hug*
    That awkward moment when your best friend and mortal enemy start screaming in your head, making you miss what your mother said... God... I really hate Ackero/Aquira... Apparently little voices can be transgender....
    Hey guys... 
    Several other people are taking a break, and well, I need some time to get over some things... I'll be leaving tomorrow... I don't know how long I'll be gone, but I'll eventually be back. It's nothing against RPNation, I just have some issues in my outside life to deal with...
    Some people have lots of friends...

    Some people have good friends.....

    Some people have bad friends.......

    Some people have no friends.........


    Others? Their friends are on the inside...
    I'm crying now and I don't know why...
    Dang... You all have better coping methods... The most I'll do is dream of the day I can talk back to whoever I want. If I start to argue, Ackero gets really loud and Yasero starts arguing with him... Then I don't even know what I'm saying because they're so loud. We were watching a movie and Ackero started blasting Yasero's favorite character. Ackero eventually just went quiet as Yasero kept screaming... I eventually screamed back "YASERO!" It turns out I actually said that out loud instead of keeping everything in my head... The worst part was that I was with my guidance councilor group... I didn't want to have to tell them about the crazy voices in my head, so I just did the nervous laugh... This is why I don't like to speak in real life... That is also why bottling things up could be good... Ackero gets mad at me for saying this, but he's done enough damage already. He knows everything about me, so he can pick me apart... Still, it feels good to talk about it.
    I guess, in my case at least, I've had a lot of BS and chaos in my life for a really long time. I guess when you have pain for so long, you tend to come up with better coping methods because you just don't wanna give up :)
    i don't cry.

    but if you do, just let it out.
    Welp, I'm worried...

    I was holding my guinea pig earlier, and she started to make noises of pain, then she peed on me... Or at least I thought she peed on me at first. When I lifted my hand, it was covered in blood. I freaked out, mom called the vet and I just held my sweet little girl. If something happened to her, I don't know what I'd do... We lost Flicker, I can't lose my Whiskers too...

    She has an appointment with the vet tomorrow, but I'll be at school... I won't know until I get home. I wanted to go to a club with my new friends, but I think I'd be too worried to go. I really hope she's okay...

    holy shit jay

    that's crazy
    I like with 2 others so I really don't have that kind of problem.....maybe when i'm at my dads......*Shivers*
    Yeah... That's gotta suck... I just live with one who cries at any moment, a rather anger issues/bipolar mother, and a strict father... Mom scares me the most because she always gives me that disappointed scowl. I can never really seem to make her happy. That bothers me... If I burn myself, she always says "What did I tell you? That's why you don't touch the oven!" And other snappy things like that... I guess that's part of why I grew up to be really mature at home. My sister (sixth grade) runs around and cries to get what she wants. If I did that, I'd lose whatever they could hold above me...

    Sorry, that turned into a rant...
    Holy hell... This song brings me to tears... I wish I knew where my home was, where I really fit in... Maybe home was where the one who really cared about me is... Gods almighty, I really miss him
    *Open arms* May I offer you a hug?

    I think I can somewhat empathize.  I've never really felt that feeling of when people describe of "coming home" in my life myself, though I've come to understand and accepted the reason that I've believe in for that (other than the fact that I've moved so many times in my life).
    Danke... I really miss him. I didn't get to say goodbye. I might never see him again. He was my brother, the only one I could tell everything without fear of lossing him... Its just so deep... The things I hear but can never say? If I truly told what I really heard, I'd be ridiculed, shunned. No one, even on here, would ever see me the same way. That does help though, thank you
    I'm sorry.  I understand the situation very little and all I can offer you is what little of my sympathies I have and my prayer.  I know there's very little I can say to convince you of this, but if you ever want to talk, I'll do my best to listen.  I've known enough of my own evils to condemn anyone else.  Feel free to shoot me a PM.  In any case, not a problem.  You are loved.
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