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  • So still waiting for a room... I'll be getting one by tomorrow if our hopes are reality. But I don't know how long it'll be
    Ticci Toby Rogers
    Ticci Toby Rogers
    You may feel like a Magicarp now, but just you wait! One day you'll be a Garadose and all the people (and voices) who told you that you were no good will shit themselves and run for their mommies, because of your radiant awesomeness! 
    I'm gonna be a unicorn! Or a cow... If you're in India, you can get away with murder! 
    Ticci Toby Rogers
    Ticci Toby Rogers
    Nothing stops the flow of traffic in India... Except a cow... You can honk at the cow, you can shoo it along... You just stop and wait for it to pass... When it lays down, you turn the car off and start tweeting... "There is a cow in the middle of the road. #MooMoo
    You know they'll chose them over you. You've always known, but it still hurts
    Again. You can always talk to me. I may not be very helpful but I will try!!
    Ticci Toby Rogers
    Ticci Toby Rogers
    Well... In that case, look at it this way... Magicarp feels useless, but with a little love and attention, they turn into the most badass Pokémon in the ocean! Magicarp is an inspiration to everyone who's ever felt useless...

    On that note, I'm going to go level up some Magicarp... And some sweet hearts  <3 ! Namely you Echo! I CHOSE YOU!
    No school for me... Nope, have to be cleared by a doctor before I can do that... With my luck, I'm never going to be cleared... 
    Just an average girl
    She always wore a smile
    She was cheerful and happy for a short while
    Now she's older, things are getting colder
    Life's not what she though, she wishes someone had told her
    She told you she was down, you let it slip by
    So from then on she kept it on the inside
    She told herself she was alright
    But she was telling white lies
    Can't you tell? Look at her dull eyes
    Tried to stop herself from crying almost every night
    But she knew there was no chance of feeling alright
    Summer came by, all she wore was long sleeves
    'Cause those cuts on her wrists were bleeding through you see
    She knew she was depressed, didn't want to admit it
    Didn't think she fit it, everyone seemed to miss it
    She carried on like a soldier with a battle wound
    Bleeding out from every cut her body consumed
    She had no friends at school, all alone she sat
    And if someone were to notice she would blame the cat
    But those cuts on her wrist, they were no mistake
    But no one cared enough to save her from this self hate
    Things were going down, never really up
    And here she is now stuck in this stupid rut
    She knew exactly what she had to do next 
    Just stand on that chair and tie the rope around her neck
    She wrote a letter with her hands shaking wild
    "Look at me now, are you proud of your precious child?"
    But she knew that her parents weren't the ones to blame
    It was the world that should bow down it's head in shame
    She stood up on the chair and looked out at the moon
    Just don't think, it'll all be over soon
    The chair fell down as she took her final breath
    It's all over, all gone, now she's greeting death
    Her Mum walks in, she falls down to the floor
    And now nothing can take back what she just saw
    The little girl that she raised is just hanging there
    Her body's pale and her face is violently bare
    She sees the note and unfolds it with care
    All she does is stare, "How can this be fair?"
    She starts reading as the tears roll down her face
    "I'm sorry Mum but this world is just not my place
    I've tried for so long to fix this and fit in
    I've come to realise this world's full of sin
    There's nothing for me here, I'm just a waste of space
    I've got no reason to stay here with this awful race
    It's a disgrace, I was misplaced
    Born in the wrong time, and in the wrong place
    It's okay though, 'cause you'll see me soon
    You'll know when your time has come, just look at the moon
    As it shines bright, throughout the night
    And remember everyone's facing their own fight
    But I can't deal with the pain, I'm not a fighter
    You'll make it through the night, just hug your pillow tighter
    So let the world know, that I died in vein
    Because the world around me, is the one to blame
    And I know in a year, you'll forget I'm gone
    'Cause I'm not really something to be dwelled on
    That's what they use to tell me, all those kids at school
    So I'm going by the law majority rules
    My presence on this earth is not needed any longer
    And if anything, I hope this makes you stronger
    You're the best friend, that I ever had
    Such a shame I had to make you so very sad
    But just remember that you meant everything to me
    And to my heart, you're the only one that held the key
    Now it's time to go, I'm running out of space to write
    And yes I lost my fight, but please just hold on tight
    I'm watching over you, from the clouds above
    And sending down the purest and whitest dove
    To watch over you, and be my helpful eye
    So this is it world, goodbye.
    Gotta go to bed soon...
    sweet dreams.
    Officail goodnight!
    Ticci Toby Rogers
    Ticci Toby Rogers
    It's cool... I have my own peoples! 

    Hey guys! Sorry if I don't respond. Currently at the hospital and don't know if I'll be admitted. If I am, I might not respond for a week or more. So if I come back and haven't responded yet, just Mention me and I'll try and respond
    The kinda stuff my parents show me... And I've been through some stuff that I don't really want to say, so if you ever want to meet me, it had better be in broad daylight after several video chats, with parents, and in a populated area. I trust ya'll, but... I ain't going somewhere that I could even remotely get taken. XD I'm the person who stares out the window and narrows my eyes if it's someone I don't know. It really makes the church people angry when I just sit silently on the couch with the doors and windows bolted shut. But hey, if my parents aren't home and I don't know you, I may just have my hands on a knife if you try to come in... That's just me... Also, I have a sword in my home, so I could use that. MWHAHAHAA! DEATH TO THE DOOR BUSTERS!
    I do know most people believe me to be female...

    Yes, this is true...

    However, there are days when I chose to be male. I am gender fluid, so I change my gender. 
    So, now you know...

    Also, today sucks. This is how I feel... All day...
    Oh yeah you can't vent about your personal life or whatever on the site.

    High Moon
    High Moon
    High Moon
    High Moon
    The mod who finds this will be like


    And I'll be like


    Glory to RPNation!
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