You ran the very first diceless RP I ever played in, in my whole life, back with your Magistone game.
The world's in a tough spot for feeling positive or happy in general. That you're in an awful place mental healthwise, I can only imagine it's that much worse with what's happened in the world...
Kestrel's affairs, such as they were, had been handled with neat and taciturn efficiency. At least, once the embargo was lifted. The political situation wasn't something she was an expert in, or in a position to do much about. Still, the news of the Waning Stars/Archyss Principality conflict was...
Sorry for not being around. Some unexpected family drama on top of work drama. Going to try catching up tonight but may not be replying much until tomorrow.
I will try to be better about communicating when overwhelmed in the future. Apologies for going so long without saying anything.
Sorry I haven't been chatty today (or yesterday), a combination of work and family stuff has consumed all my time.
If I have time to catch up tomorrow, I will, but it's more likely Friday to be honest.
The most striking thing I recall is that Kira claps 'weirdly'. One might infer Bajorans don't clap hands palm to palm but back of one hand to palm.
Googling "ds9 kra clapping gif" will be illuminating.
But this is also the same show where Riker Sits is a thing.
Sounds like you're free...
But yes, one idea that immediately stands out is:
Ellis and Priya talk, share their mutual horror over what happened, puzzle at what to do next and then remember "Oh, this is 101 PA, Chan-Chan's still around right, she's a Grey Seer and super friendly and she knows us, maybe she can guess at...
The premise doesn't require everyone to be a card-carrying member of the Unkillables but ideally your characters all worked together, on missions or just on the defense of Tolkeen, in the last few years. You're welcome to decide what your character was up to, what kind of missions you might...
Once handed a flyer, or several flyers as the case might be, Sarah dropped her gaze to read the contents before glancing up once more. A second was all it took to 'memorize' the contents, of course, and she could spend the time thinking over those contents while keeping an eye...
August 24, 2387 1611 hrs
Stardate 64645.3196
Starbase 925 (Anakin)
Wolf 359 Memorial Wreckyard
USS Athena Boarding Area
@Nuitari Delphiki
The captain, of course, needed no introduction. Kimberly's smile was wide, earnest but she stood at attention as the captain inspected them. "And you...
As far as weapons go, you might look at Coalition Wars 6 pgs. 157-163 for some examples of other 'Dragon Princes of Freehold'. They're older, higher level and generally don't have more than a couple of weapons a piece, if any. I suppose I'd encourage you to pick your sword and maybe two...
In other news, I've never actually watched My Little Pony...
My main exposure to the characters and the concept, ironically, comes from Friendship is Optimal. Amazing read but, ah, it's conceptually hefty.
I'm fairly laid back in general, especially when it comes to the Palladium system in general (and Rifts in particular), at least in terms of balancing between characters. Because it's nigh impossible. That said, it wouldn't hurt if this group had a conversation on about where you want your...
Eh. I did check through the NPCs and most of the ones that have a rune weapon are in the 7th-15th level range. There's one packing a rune axe at 4th level though.
On the one hand, a potential source of fun for you guys is potentially looking up NPCs your characters will have crossed paths...
I'm open to ideas on how you want to do things.
I mean, the other alternative is I set thresholds for clues like one sets thresholds for perception checks and characters can roll to puzzle things out, getting a bonus from their IQ using the same scale that ME's save vs. psionic attack or PE's...